Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
June 20, 2018El nuevo Informe del Sector de la Hospitalidad ha encuestado a 2.395 propietarios en todo el mundo, con 540 participantes españoles. Los propietarios de negocios de hostelería coinciden en aumentar su foco en el marketing online y atención al cliente
Madrid, 19 de junio de 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) ha anunciado hoy los resultados del Informe del Sector de la Hospitalidad, un estudio sobre las cuestiones más urgentes, los...
June 20, 2018今夏亚洲周边短途游热度不减,暑期错峰出游最高可节省27%的酒店花费
中国 北京,2018年6月20日 ——旅游平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)今日公布了2018年中国游客暑期出境游的10大热门目的地及当地酒店价格趋势。基于猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)中文网站和APP海外目的地访问及当地酒店预订意向数据发现,今年暑期(7月及8月)中国游客出境游热度呈增长趋势,且短途目的地更受欢迎,如日本、泰国的多个旅游目的地均受到高度关注,远途目的地中最热门的则是英国伦敦。
June 19, 2018Ipsos-Studie gibt Einblicke in die wichtigsten Herausforderungen für Hoteliers sowie Betreibern von Restaurants und Erlebnissen
München, 19. Juni 2018 – Terrorismus, Over-Tourism, DSGVO – was beschäftigt deutsche Betriebe am meisten? Dieser Frage geht TripAdvisor®, in seinem aktuellen Gastgewerbe-Bericht° auf den...
June 19, 2018Per la prima volta i viaggiatori possono visitare in tranquillità e in (quasi) solitudine l’attrazione più prenotata del mondo prima dell’alba
Milano, 19 giugno 2018– TripAdvisor, il fornitore più grande al mondo di esperienze prenotabili online, presenta ai viaggiatori il suo nuovo tour ‘Risveglio del Vaticano’. Per la prima...
June 19, 2018~1 位は東京都渋谷区の『ヤキニクバル 韓国の台所 カドチカ店』!19 店舗がランキング初登場~
June 18, 2018
Dans le cadre du partenariat signé en octobre dernier, TripAdvisor® et la Direction Générale des Entreprises présentent aujourd’hui un ensemble d’actions de promotion et de valorisation...
June 14, 2018Bali, Rishikesh e Sedona dominano la classifica delle mete ideali per fuggire dal caos e dallo stress e rilassarsi con Spa, yoga e cibo salutare
Milano, 14 giugno 2018 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi le migliori destinazioni a livello mondiale per un viaggio all’insegna del...
June 13, 2018Unter den Hotspots für Spa-Resorts, Yoga Retreats und gesunde Ernährung ist auch eine Destination aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum
München, 13. Juni 2018 – Wohin, um die Seele baumeln lassen und Energie tanken zu können? Passend zum Global Wellness Day (9.6) und International Yoga Day (21.6) stellt TripAdvisor®, die...
June 13, 2018Ten Zen Escapes to Help Travellers Rejuvenate with Spa Resorts, Yoga Retreats, Healthy Restaurants
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the top wellness travel destinations around the globe. TripAdvisor identified zen destinations where travellers can retreat to...
June 13, 2018Ten Zen Escapes to Help Travellers Rejuvenate with Spa Resorts, Yoga Retreats, Healthy Restaurants
LONDON, UK, June 13, 2018 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the top wellness travel destinations around the globe. TripAdvisor identified destinations where...
June 12, 2018Lo studio analizza quali canali online e quali elementi incidono sulla scelta dei ristoranti da parte dei consumatori
Milano, 12 giugno 2018– TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del sondaggio “Fattori che influenzano le decisioni dei...
June 12, 2018Ten Zen Escapes to Help Travelers Rejuvenate with Spa Resorts, Yoga Retreats and Healthy Restaurants
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the top wellness travel destinations in the U.S. and around the globe. TripAdvisor identified zen destinations where travelers...
June 12, 2018
定番の観光 名所と言われる神社仏閣やお城から、日本人には馴染みがないニッチなスポットまでが選ばれたユニークなラ ンキングとなりました。
June 05, 2018I Certificati di Eccellenza identificano le eccellenze dell’ospitalità sulla base delle recensioni dei viaggiatori sul sito di viaggi più grande al mondo Toscana, Lazio e Lombardia sono le regioni italiane con il maggior numero di strutture ad aver ricevuto il riconoscimento
Milano, 5 giugno 2018– TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha svelato le strutture nel mondo che hanno ricevuto i Certificati di Eccellenza 2018. In...
June 05, 2018El 67% declara que visitará un destino internacional en algún momento de sus vacaciones, y el 81% prevé aumentar o mantener su presupuesto de viajes este verano
Madrid, 5 de junio de 2018 – TripAdvisor®, la web que ayuda a encontrar las últimas opiniones y los precios más bajos, ha revelado hoy su Informe de Tendencias de Verano 2018, que muestra los...
June 01, 2018Die weltweit größte Reise-Webseite würdigt touristische Destinationen mit der höchsten Dichte an Zertifikat für Exzellenz-Trägern – dazu zählen auch drei deutsche Städte
München, 1. Juni 2018 – TripAdvisor®, die Reise-Webseite zur Planung und Buchung, stellt heute die „exzellentesten“ touristischen Reiseziele weltweit vor: Gemeint sind jene Städte und...
May 31, 2018全球最大的旅遊網站公佈獲得最多「優等證書」的旅遊目的地
全球領先的旅遊規劃和預訂網站TripAdvisor® 今日公佈獲得最多TripAdvisor優等證書 (Certificate of...
May 30, 2018La presentación de dicho estudio coincide con el anuncio anual de los ganadores de Certificados de Excelencia de TripAdvisor, que ha reconocido a 1.578 restaurantes de la ciudad condal
Barcelona, 30 de mayo de 2018.- TripAdvisor y ElTenedor han presentado, en colaboración con el Gremi de Restauració de Barcelona, los resultados de su último informe de Tendencias del Sector de...
May 30, 2018
優れたサービスを提供する日本全国の宿泊施設、レストラン、観光施設 6,108 軒を認定。世界の「Most Excellent」ランキングや 5 年連続認証の施設も発表
May 29, 2018
·TripAdvisor, le plus grand site de voyages au monde, remet pour la 8ème année des Attestations d'Excellence aux hébergements, attractions et restaurants qui reçoivent régulièrement...
May 29, 2018World's Largest Travel Site Recognizes Tourism Destinations with the Most TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Recipients
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the "Most Excellent" global tourism destinations that have the highest percentage of TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence...
May 29, 2018
Madrid 29 de Mayo de 2018- TripAdvisor® ha anunciado hoy a los ganadores de su programa anual de Certificados de Excelencia, en el que se han otorgado a 33.778 galardones a lugares españoles en...
May 29, 2018香港、上海、北京成为“卓越奖”获奖商家最多的前三中国城市
May 29, 2018
「Tastes of JAPAN by ANA」で特集している地域の食や観光地に関するランキングや記事を、 トリップアドバイザー上に投稿された旅行者からの口コミ評価をもとに作成し、「Tastes of JAPAN サイト」と「トリ ップアドバイザーギャラリー(TripAdvisor Gallery)」の双方で掲載し、情報発信を行うことを発表いたしました。 先ずは九州エリアの特集ページを 6 月より展開してまいります。
May 29, 2018World’s Largest Travel Site Recognises Tourism Destinations with the Most TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Recipients
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the “Most Excellent” global tourism destinations that have the highest percentage of TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence...
May 23, 2018The historic London landmark also ranked among the world’s top 20
LONDON, UK, 22 May 2018 – Tower of London has today been named as the best-rated landmark in the UK in the Travellers’ Choice TM awards for Landmarks, announced by the travel planning and...
May 23, 2018Angkor Vat est élu plus beau monument au monde ! La Tour Eiffel n’est plus 1ère en France, quel monument a pris sa place ?
Paris, 22 mai, 2018 – TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyages, annonce aujourd’hui les monuments gagnants des Travellers’ Choice Awards 2018, pour la France,...
May 23, 2018柬埔寨吴哥窟蝉联全球最佳地标景点
中国 北京,2018年5月22日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)今日公布2018年“旅行者之选”全球最佳地标景点榜单,今年全球共有759个地标景点获此殊荣。其中,柬埔寨吴哥窟蝉联全球及亚洲榜单第一名,慕田峪长城荣获中国榜单第一名,同时也再次成为唯一入选全球榜单的中国景点。慕田峪、八达岭、金山岭、黄花城四处长城景点在今年入选中国10大地标性景点榜单。
May 22, 2018Angkor Wat Wins Again as World's Top Landmark; Alcatraz #1 in the U.S.
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for Landmarks. Award winners were determined using an algorithm that took into...
May 22, 2018Basilica di San Pietro e Duomo di Milano rappresentano il Bel Paese nelle Top 10 mondo ed Europa e sono prime in Italia Roma è la città con più luoghi storici nella classifica nazionale
Milano, 22 maggio 2018 – TripAdvisor®,il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei suoi premi Travelers’ Choice®Luoghi Storici 2018. I...
May 22, 2018El templo de Angkor Wat, en Camboya, vuelve a alzarse con el primer puesto
Madrid, 22 de mayo de 2018 – TripAdvisor®, la web que ayuda a encontrar las últimas opiniones y los precios más bajos, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers' Choice®...
May 22, 2018
本年で 6 回目となる当ランキングでは、世界中で文化・歴史的な背景を持つ 759 の名所が選ばれました。その中で世界の 1 位に選ばれたのは、昨年に引き続きカンボジアの『アンコールワット』。日本からは、京都府の『伏見稲荷大社』が 4 年連続で日本の 1 位に輝き、世界で 24 位、アジアでは 5 位にランクインしました。
May 22, 2018TripAdvisor Also Highlights Top Experiences and Tours at Award-winning Landmarks
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Landmarks in Asia and the world. Angkor Wat in Cambodia is the #1 landmark...
May 22, 2018Cambodia’s Angkor Wat is the World #1
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Landmarks in Thailand and the world. Landmarks in Bangkok took the top...
May 22, 2018TripAdvisor Also Highlights Bookable Tours and Experiences at Award-Winning Landmarks
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Landmarks in Australia. For the second consecutive year, Sydney Opera...
May 17, 2018Il Report di TripAdvisor svela dove gli italiani trascorreranno le vacanze estive. Isola d’Elba prima tra le mete italiane, Santorini domina la classifica internazionale. Soggiornare in Italia costa meno, Rimini la meta più conveniente
Milano, 17 maggio 2018 – TripAdvisor®,il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del suo Summer Vacation Value Report 2018, svelando la Top 10...
May 16, 2018El 10,3% del gasto global dedicado a viajar (460.000 millones de euros) ha estado influenciado por la mayor web de viajes del mundo en 2017, frente al 7% (225.000 millones de euros) de la década anterior La influencia de TripAdvisor en la inversión dedicada a viajar ha crecido más rápido que el gasto total de viajes en beneficio de las empresas del sector en todo el mundo
Madrid, 16 de mayo de 2018 – TripAdvisor®, la web que ayuda a encontrar las últimas opiniones y los precios más bajos, ha anunciado hoy los resultados del estudio “Cuantificación de la...
May 15, 2018TripAdvisor Sommerurlaubs-Report zeigt, wann die begehrtesten Ziele der Deutschen am preiswertesten sind
München, 15. Mai 2018 – Wo und wann günstig wegkommen in der Hauptreisezeit? Der aktuelle Sommerurlaubs-Report von TripAdvisor® untersucht die Hotel- und Flugpreise an den zehn beliebtesten...
May 15, 2018Summer Vacation Value Report Reveals Prices at Seasonal Hot Spots with a Guide to Highly-Rated Hotels, Restaurants and Experiences
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today revealed its 2018 Summer Vacation Value Report, highlighting the top 10 domestic destinations for U.S. travelers this summer based on the...
May 15, 2018
LONDON, UK, 15 May 2018 – Majorca and New York are the most popular short and long haul destinations for Brits travelling abroad this summer, according to the travel and booking site,...
May 10, 2018Nel 2017 il 10.3% della spesa di viaggio globale ($546 miliardi) è stato influenzo dal sito di viaggi più grande del mondo, in crescita rispetto al 7% ($268 miliardi) di 10 anni fa La spesa di viaggio influenzata da TripAdvisor è cresciuta più velocemente della spesa totale di viaggio a beneficio dei business turistici e dell’ospitalità di tutto il mondo
Milano, 10 maggio 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc.(NASDAQ: TRIP) ha annunciato oggi i risultati dello studio “Misurazione dell’Economia Mondiale dei Viaggi”, condotto da Oxford Economics in...
May 10, 2018Estimated 10.3% of Global Travel Spend ($546 Billion) Was Influenced by the World's Largest Travel Site in 2017, up from 7% ($268 Billion) just a Decade Prior
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the results of the "Sizing the Worldwide Travel Economy" study, conducted by Oxford Economics in partnership with TripAdvisor to examine the size...
May 10, 2018Estimated 10.3% of Global Travel Spend (US$546 Billion) Was Influenced by the World’s Largest Travel Site in 2017, up from 7% (US$268 Billion) just a Decade Prior TripAdvisor Influenced Travel Spending Has Grown Faster than Total Travel Spending to the Benefit of Travel and Hospitality Businesses around the World
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the results of the “Sizing the Worldwide Travel Economy” study, conducted by Oxford Economics in partnership with TripAdvisor to examine the...
May 09, 2018
Paris, le 9 mai 2018 - Aujourd'hui, TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyage, annonce aujourd’hui les gagnants des Travellers' Choice® pour des meilleures locations de...
May 08, 2018
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) issued its first quarter 2018 earnings press release and management's prepared remarks, which are available now at...
May 08, 2018Prenotare al momento giusto permette ai viaggiatori di risparmiare fino al 49% sul costo dell’hotel in estate
Milano, 8 maggio 2018 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del suo report “Best Time to Book” svelando quando i...
May 08, 2018Una búsqueda anticipada y organizada puede ahorrar a los viajeros hasta un 49% en hoteles las próximas vacaciones
Madrid, 8 de mayo de 2018 – TripAdvisor®, la web de viajes que ayuda a encontrar las últimas opiniones y los precios más bajos, ha anunciado hoy el “Mejor momento para reservar”, un...
May 07, 2018
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP), the world's largest travel site*, announced today that Steve Kaufer, CEO, will present at the 46th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications...
May 03, 2018In Italia le due case vacanza convenienti più amate a livello mondiale e la terza più apprezzata nella categoria lusso. In totale sono cinque le strutture italiane premiate nelle classifiche internazionali
Milano, 3 maggio 2017 –TripAdvisor, il sito per la prenotazione e la pianificazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei Travelers’ Choice Case Vacanza 2018. I premi riconoscono 30...
May 03, 2018
TripAdvisor, the travel planning and booking site, announced the winners of the second consecutive Travellers’ Choice awards for Rentals today. The awards recognise 30 of the best holiday homes...
May 02, 2018
TripAdvisor, the travel planning and booking site, announced the winners of the second annual Travelers' Choice awards for Rentals today. The awards recognize 30 of the best holiday homes across...
May 02, 2018Réserver judicieusement peut faire économiser aux voyageurs jusqu’à 49 % sur le prix de leur hébergement estival
Paris, 2 mai, 2018 – TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyages, annonce aujourd’hui la publication de son rapport “Meilleur moment pour réserver” qui révèle...
May 02, 2018UK tops lists for second year in a row with 7 winners
London, United Kingdom, May 2, 2018 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, announced the winners of the second annual Travellers’ Choice® awards for Rentals today. The awards...
April 27, 2018Booking Smart Can Save Travellers as Much as 49% on Hotels this Season
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its “Best Time to Book” report, revealing when Australian travellers can consistently find and book the lowest hotel prices...
April 26, 2018TripAdvisor celebrates the fastest-growing experiences segment by revealing the world’s best tours/best tours in Sydney - as decided by travellers
Food experiences are dominating traveller booking growth, according to newly released data from TripAdvisor. Food tours are the fastest growing experiences category on the travel booking site...
April 25, 2018TripAdvisor stellt „Beste Zeit zum Buchen“-Bericht vor
München, 25. April 2018 – Die Gretchenfrage lautet: Wann den Sommerurlaub buchen, um kräftig zu sparen? Das verrät TripAdvisor® mit dem aktuellen Bericht „Beste Zeit zum Buchen“, der...
April 25, 2018Savvy Travelers Can Save as Much as 40% on NYC and Vegas Hotels for Summer During Booking Sweet Spots
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its "Best Time to Book" report, revealing when travelers can consistently find and book the lowest hotel prices for summer...
April 25, 2018El portal de viajes reconoce las experiencias culinarias como el segmento turístico de más rápido crecimiento al revelar los tours favoritos de los viajeros en todo el mundo
Madrid, 25 de abril de 2018 – TripAdvisor®, la web de viajes que ayuda a encontrar las últimas opiniones y los precios más bajos, ha publicado recientemente los datos que posicionan las...
April 25, 2018Animal shows and performances where animals are forced to perform demeaning tricks or unnatural behaviors to be banned from sale on TripAdvisor
NEEDHAM, Mass., 25 April 2018 – TripAdvisor, and its subsidiary Viator, has today announced a number of additions to its policy on selling tickets to animal attractions, effective immediately....
April 24, 2018Le esperienze gastronomiche sono la categoria di viaggio con la crescita più rapida in base ai dati di prenotazione di TripAdvisor
Milano, 24 aprile 2018– Le esperienze gastronomiche sono prime, rispetto alle altre categorie di esperienze,per crescita di prenotazioni da parte dei viaggiatori su TripAdvisor, il sito per la...
April 24, 2018‘Best Time to Book’ Report Shows That You Can Save As Much As 49% on Summer Hotels If You Book At The Right Time
LONDON, UK, 24 April, 2018 – British holidaymakers could be able to save up to 49% on hotels in popular destinations this summer depending on when they book, predicts a report released today by...
April 24, 2018朝食の好意的、否定的な評価ポイントについても分析
朝食ランキングの発表は本年で 9 年目となります。今年も 1 位に輝いたのは、朝食における体験で安定的な人気を誇る『ホテルピエナ神戸』となりました。なんと今回で 6 年連続となります。また、2 位には昨年の 9 位からランクアップした『ホテル日航金沢』、3 位には品数、味とも評判どおりとの口コミが多数あがった『センチュリーロイヤルホテル』が選ばれました。
April 23, 2018
Madrid, 23 de abril de 2018 – TripAdvisor®, la web de viajes que ayuda a encontrar las últimas opiniones y los precios más bajos, ha anunciado hoy la adquisición de Bokun, proveedor de...
April 23, 2018Ziel ist es, das Online-Geschäft in der Erlebnisbranche deutlich anzukurbeln
„Wir wollen die Erlebnisbranche weit über die aktuelle Online-Marktdurchdringung von nur 20 Prozent bringen. Bokun wird dabei eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Als Branchenführer ist unsere...
April 23, 2018
Paris, le 20 avril 2018 - TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyage, annonce aujourd'hui l'acquisition de Bokun, un fournisseur leader de technologie de gestion...
April 23, 2018
TripAdvisor® has announced its acquisition of Bokun, a leading provider of business management technology for the tours, attractions and experiences industry. With the acquisition, TripAdvisor...
April 23, 2018
TripAdvisor® has announced its acquisition of Bokun, a leading provider of business management technology for the tours, attractions and experiences industry. With the acquisition, TripAdvisor...
April 20, 2018
Milano, 20 aprile 2018– TripAdvisor®annuncia oggi l’acquisizione di Bokun, fornitore leader di tecnologia gestionale del business di tour, attrazioni ed esperienze. Con questa acquisizione...
April 20, 2018
TripAdvisor® today announced it acquired Bokun, a leading provider of business management technology for the tours, attractions and experiences industry. With the acquisition, TripAdvisor expands...
April 19, 2018
Milano, 19 aprile 2018 – Pablo Picasso diceva che al mondo “esistono più copie che originali”. Anche se l’artista con questa frase si riferiva alle persone, è possibile trovare dei...
April 12, 2018comScore-Studie nimmt Recherche- und Kaufverhalten bei Online-Reisen unter die Lupe; enormer Einfluss von TripAdvisor vor der Hotel- und Flugbuchung eröffnet Potenziale für Unternehmen
München, 12. April 2018 – TripAdvisor®, stellt die aktuelle Studie "Path to Purchase" vor. Diese gewährt einen detaillierten Einblick in das Recherche- und Buchungsverhalten der Verbraucher...
April 12, 2018Los resultados del estudio "Ruta de compra" realizado por comScore muestran que las empresas tienen la posibilidad de influir en las decisiones de compra de los usuarios del sitio web de viajes más grande del mundo
Madrid, 12 de abril de 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) ha anunciado hoy los resultados del estudio "Ruta de compra" de 2018, que proporciona un análisis en profundidad sobre cómo los...
April 12, 2018Findings from “Path to Purchase” Study Conducted by comScore Suggest Businesses Have Critical Opportunity to Influence Consumers’ Travel Purchasing Decisions on the World’s Largest Travel Site
LONDON, U.K, 12 April, 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the results of the “Path to Purchase” study, which provides an in-depth look into how consumers research and...
April 12, 2018Findings from "Path to Purchase" Study Conducted by comScore Suggest Businesses Have Critical Opportunity to Influence Consumers' Travel Purchasing Decisions on the World's Largest Travel Site
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the results of the "Path to Purchase" study, which provides an in-depth look into how consumers research and book travel online, and the impact...
April 12, 2018Étude comsCore ‘Path to Purchase’ : comment les voyageurs préparent et réservent leurs voyages
Paris, le 12 avril 2018 - TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyage, annonce aujourd’hui les résultats de l'étude ‘Path to Purchase’, qui analyse la manière dont...
April 12, 2018I risultati dello studio “Path to Purchase” condotto da comScore suggeriscono che i business hanno alte probabilità di influenzare le decisioni dei consumatori durante il percorso d’acquisto sul sito di viaggi più grande del mondo
Milano, 12 aprile 2018– TripAdvisor, Inc.(NASDAQ: TRIP) ha annunciato oggi i risultati dello studio Path to Purchase, che fornisce un’analisi approfondita di come i consumatori ricercano e...
April 12, 2018Findings from “Path to Purchase” Study Conducted by comScore Suggest Businesses Have Critical Opportunity to Influence Consumers’ Travel Purchasing Decisions on the World’s Largest Travel Site
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the results of the 2018 “Path to Purchase” study, which provides an in-depth look into how consumers research and book travel online, and the...
April 11, 2018施設の露出度を拡大し、確度の高い見込み客にアピール!
新たな広告ソリューションである『スポンサー提供枠(英:Sponsored Placements)』の正式な導入を発表しました。これにより、宿泊施設では、ターゲットとなる利用者に対し、露出度の高い広告枠で宣伝することができ、旅行者の注目を集めて、確度の高い見込み客を獲得できるようになります。
April 10, 2018
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) announced today that it will audiocast a conference call on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to answer questions regarding its first quarter...
April 09, 2018El primer puesto del ranking ha sido para Singapore Airlines, compañía aérea elegida como favorita por los viajeros a través de sus comentarios en TripAdvisor
Madrid, 9 de abril de 2018 - TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers' Choice® Aerolíneas, que reconocen las...
April 09, 2018TripAdvisor präsentiert die Travellers‘ Choice Awards für Airlines 2018
München, 9. April 2018 – Welche Carrier sind die aktuellen Favoriten der Reisenden? Das zeigt TripAdvisor®, die Webseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung, mit den Travellers’ Choice Awards für...
April 09, 2018
LONDON, UK – 9 April 2018 – UK airlines and Virgin Atlantic are today named Europe’s Best Low Cost Airline and Europe’s Top Major Carrier according to the Travellers’ Choice...
April 09, 2018Secondo le recensioni dei viaggiatori globali Singapore Airlines è la migliore linea aerea al mondo. L’unica compagnia italiana ad aver ricevuto un riconoscimento è Air Dolomiti per la Classe Economica a livello europeo
Milano, 9 aprile 2018 – TripAdvisor®,il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei suoi Travelers’ Choice® Awards forAirlines, che riconoscono...
April 09, 2018Global Flyer Reviews Reveal Singapore Airlines as Best in the World; Southwest is Top U.S. Airline
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for airlines, identifying travelers' favorite carriers around the globe. For...
April 09, 2018Singapore Airlines est élue meilleure compagnie aérienne du monde. Air New Zealand et Emirates complètent le podium.
Paris, le 9 avril 2018 - TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyage, annonce aujourd’hui les destinations gagnantes des Travellers’ Choice Awards® 2018 pour les...
April 09, 2018世界 1 位に輝いたのはシンガポール航空。日本のベストエアラインは 2 年連続日本航空に!
トリップアドバイザー上で旅行者に高く評価されたエアラインをランキング化した「トラベラーズチョイス™ 世界の人気エアライン2018」を発表し、シンガポール航空が世界 1 位に、日本のベストエアラインには日本航空が選ばれました。日本航空は、世界のベストエアラインランキングにおいても 4 位に輝いています。
April 09, 2018新加坡航空公司荣获全球最佳航空公司,亚洲四家航空公司跻身全球十佳
中国 北京,2018年4月9日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)今日公布了2018年“旅行者之选”最佳航空公司榜单,揭晓了全球最受旅行者喜爱的航空运营商。新加坡航空荣获本年度全球最佳航空公司,亚洲地区的航空公司总体表现出色,共有四家航空公司入选“旅行者之选”全球十佳航空公司榜单。获得“旅行者之选”奖项的航空公司是基于过去12个月内猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)网站及App内全球旅行者对航空公司的评分、点评的数量和质量综合计算得出,标志着获奖航空公司所提供的优质服务、质量和价值。
April 09, 2018EVA Air also among Top 10 Airlines in the World; Asian Carriers Dominates List with Four Winners in the Global Top 10
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers around the globe....
April 09, 2018四家亞洲航空公司入選全球十大 長榮航空佔一席位
April 09, 2018Air New Zealand is Best Airline in South Pacific; Singapore Airlines is the World #1
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers around the globe....
April 09, 2018Four Asian carriers dominate world top 10; Singapore Airlines named World #1
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers around the globe....
April 09, 2018Asian Carriers Dominate List with Four Winners in the Global Top 10
TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers around the globe....
April 03, 2018TripAdvisor lanza una novedosa solución publicitaria; sus Espacios Patrocinados
Madrid, 3 de abril de 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) ha anunciado hoy el lanzamiento oficial de sus Espacios Patrocinados, una nueva solución publicitaria que permite a los...
April 03, 2018TripAdvisor launches new advertising solution: Sponsored Placements
TripAdvisor Helps Accommodation Businesses Drive Visibility and Reach Highly Qualified Traffic TripAdvisor launches new advertising solution: Sponsored Placements UK, LONDON 03 April, 2018 –...
April 03, 2018TripAdvisor launches new advertising solution: Sponsored Placements
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the official launch of Sponsored Placements, a new advertising solution enabling accommodation businesses to capture the attention of travelers and...
April 03, 2018
Paris, le 3 avril 2018 - TripAdvisor, site de planification et de réservation de voyage, annonce aujourd’hui le lancement officiel des Résultats sponsorisés, une nouvelle solution...
March 29, 20182017年新西兰接待中国自由行游客占总入境人数比例达37%
中国 北京 2017年3月29日——今日,新西兰旅游局联合猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)推出微信朋友圈广告及活动页面,以《锋味》节目中新西兰之行的美食旅行内容为基础,结合猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)平台真实旅行者的点评内容,围绕“纯净新西兰”这一主题,呈现新西兰南北岛丰富的美食美景资源。
March 29, 2018TripAdvisor svela le mete più gettonate per le vacanze pasquali in base all’interesse di prenotazione sul sito
Milano, 29 marzo 2018 – Con l’avvicinarsi della Pasqua molti italiani si preparano a partire per trascorrere un week-end lungo fuori porta in Italia o all’estero. TripAdvisor, il sito per la...
March 22, 2018世界の人気観光地 1 位は「パリ」。「東京」が日本のランキング 5 年連続1位に。
トリップアドバイザー上で旅行者が高く評価した観光都市・島をランキング化した、「トラベラーズチョイス™ 世界の人気観光地ランキング 2018」を発表しました。この度、世界一の観光地に選ばれたのは『パリ(フランス)』。日本のランキングでは、昨年に引き続き『東京 23 区(東京都)』が 1 位となり、今回で 5 年連続となります。
March 21, 2018Pour la première fois depuis 2013, Paris prend la tête du classement des Travellers’ Choice Awards Destinations 2018 de TripAdvisor*. Londres et Rome complètent le podium et Istanbul fait son entrée dans le Top 10.
Paris, le 20 mars 2018 - TripAdvisor, site de planification et de réservation de voyage, annonce aujourd’hui les destinations gagnantes des Travellers’ Choice Awards 2018, reconnaissant les...