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  • September 15, 2016
    Carlson Rezidor first hotel group to implement solution on Runtriz Platform via Radisson Blu One Touch app

    TripAdvisor and Viator today announced the launch of an enhanced attractions content solution for travel partners and hospitality providers, newly combining TripAdvisor’s rich attractions...

  • September 15, 2016
    Carlson Rezidor è il primo gruppo alberghiero a implementare la soluzione sulla piattaforma Runtriz attraverso la App Radisson Blu One Touch

    Milano, 15 settembre 2016 – TripAdvisor e Viator hanno annunciato oggi il lancio di una soluzione migliorata dei contenuti delle attrazioni dedicata ai partner di viaggio e agli operatori...

  • September 15, 2016
    Carlson Rezidor first hotel group to implement solution on Runtriz Platform via Radisson Blu One Touch app

    TripAdvisor and Viator today announced the launch of an enhanced attractions content solution for travel partners and hospitality providers, newly combining TripAdvisor’s rich attractions...

  • September 13, 2016


  • September 13, 2016

    作为全球最大的旅行平台,TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)发现中国出境游人群相比很多其他国家的旅游人群对“旅行”有着很不同的理解。在中国,出国旅行往往更容易被赋予“符号化”的含义 – 我们想到旅行,马上想到的是满满的行程单,是喧嚣名胜前的拥挤合影,也是回国时候的大包小包。但TripAdvisor相信,真正的旅行远不止与此,真正的旅行是一个“见天地,见众生,见自己”的过程,是一种非常纯粹的生命体验。因此,不同于以往的很多市场沟通,今年秋天,TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)根据真人真事改编,推出了一部时长约为3分钟的微电影——“世界与你想象中不同”,希望和大家分享我们对旅行的看法和信念:

  • September 13, 2016
    El Museo del Prado ha sido premiado como el mejor museo de España, 7º del mundo y 3º de Europa, y el Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, tiene el 21º puesto de Europa y el 2º en España

    Madrid, 13 de septiembre de 2016 – TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers´ ChoiceTM para Museos. Los ganadores...

  • September 13, 2016
    The London favourite also named fourth best rated museum in Europe

    The British Museum has been named as the best rated museum in the UK in the Travellers’ Choice awards for Museums, announced today by the travel and booking site, TripAdvisor. The London museum...

  • September 13, 2016
    Xi’an’s Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Ranked #1 in Asia

    SINGAPORE, September 13, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for Museums. Award winners were determined...

  • September 13, 2016
    The Metropolitan Museum of Art Named #1 Museum in the U.S. and World for Second Year in a Row

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 13, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers’ Choice™ awards for Museums. Award winners were...

  • September 13, 2016
    TripAdvisor stellt die Gewinner der Travellers‘ Choice Awards für Museen in Deutschland und Europa vor

    München, 13. September 2016 – Kultur erleben und immer wieder neu erfinden, wo kann man das besser als im Museum? TripAdvisor®, die Webseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung, stellt die Gewinner...

  • September 13, 2016
    O museu também conquistou 1º lugar no ranking brasileiro ea 19ª posição na lista global do TripAdvisor

    São Paulo, 13 de setembro de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia hoje os vencedores do prêmio Travelers’ Choice Museus 2016. Os vencedores foram...

  • September 13, 2016
    Galleria degli Uffizi il museo più apprezzato d’Italia, Torino la città più premiata La scienza fa capolino nella Top 10 dei musei italiani più apprezzati con il MuSe di Trento

    Milano, 13 settembre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di viaggi, annuncia oggi i premi Travelers’ Choice™ Musei. I vincitori sono stati determinati...

  • September 13, 2016
    National Anzac Centre Ranked #1 in Australia

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for Museums. Award winners were determined using an algorithm that took into...

  • September 13, 2016

    2016年の日本の博物館・美術館1位には、『広島平和記念資料館』(広島県広島市)が3年連続で選ばれました。 2位は、『箱根彫刻の森美術館』(神奈川県箱根町)、3位には、ランキング初登場の『サムライ ミュージアム』(東京都新宿区)がランクイン。

  • September 12, 2016

    Madrid, 1 de septiembre 2016.- La web de planificación y reserva de viajes TripAdvisor® ha anunciado hoy la adquisición de la compañía neoyorkina Citymaps, una plataforma social de mapas que...

  • September 07, 2016
    Tours and Attractions More Prominently Featured on the World’s Largest Travel Site with Addition of “Things to Do” Search and Book Widget

    Travel planning and booking site TripAdvisor® today announced the redesign of the company’s homepage with new feature enhancements that make booking every aspect of a trip more convenient for...

  • September 07, 2016
    Tours and Attractions More Prominently Featured on the World’s Largest Travel Site with Addition of “Things to Do” Search and Book Widget

    NEEDHAM, Mass. – September 7, 2016 – Travel planning and booking site TripAdvisor® today announced the redesign of the company’s homepage with new feature enhancements that make booking...

  • September 07, 2016
    ~本州最西端の道の駅「北浦街道 豊北」が初登場で第1位に!~


  • September 02, 2016

    If you’ve got a serious case of wanderlust, there’s a good chance your Instagram feed is saturated with photos of exotic destinations snapped by bloggers and travel photographers. We’re...

  • September 02, 2016

    「スパークアワード 2016」*(The Spark Awards for Media Excellence 2016)のベスト・メディア・ソリューション – デジタル部門において、最高位の金賞を受賞いたしました。

  • September 01, 2016

    牧野 友衛(まきの・ともえ)が代表取締役 (Country Manager, Japan)として経営陣に加わったことを本日発表いたしました。牧野は、当社の日本における戦略、オペレーション、およびパートナーシップ構築に取り組んで参ります。

  • August 24, 2016

    With summer in full swing and the August bank holiday weekend approaching, TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking website, is celebrating the great outdoors by revealing the UK’s ten...

  • August 24, 2016
    Neighborhoods, Parks and Landmarks Among Top 25 Increasingly Popular U.S. Spots During Summer Months

    NEEDHAM, Mass., August 24, 2016 – TripAdvisor,the travel planning and booking site, today announced the results of its Attractions Trend Index, revealing the top 25 U.S. attractions that have...

  • August 24, 2016
    ~「姫路城」が昨年の 3 位から順位を上げ、1 位にランクイン!3 つの城がランキングに初登場~

    本年で 4 回目の発表となる当ランキングですが、大 天守保存修理が完了し、より一層白く輝くお城が美しいと評判の『姫路城』(兵庫県姫路市)が昨年の 3 位から順位を上げ、遂 に 1 位を獲得しました。

  • August 23, 2016


  • August 23, 2016
    TripAdvisor stellt malerische Zugreisen in Europa und den USA vor, ausgehend von Tipps aus den Reise-Foren

    Von Kopenhagen nach Oslo (Dänemark – Norwegen) Eine atemberaubende Panoramastrecke ist die Route von Kopenhagen über Göteborg bis nach Oslo. Auf dieser Bahnlinie können Reisende...

  • August 17, 2016
    Stabile Übernachtungsraten im Jahresvergleich (Wiesn 2015 und 2016) & Nützliche Tipps von der Reise-Community

    München, 17. August 2016 – Die Vorbereitungen für das größte Volksfest der Welt, das dieses Jahr zum 183. Mal stattfindet, laufen auf Hochtouren. Mit dem TripAdvisor® Guide zum Oktoberfest...

  • August 16, 2016
    TripAdvisor’s TripIndex reveals the price of a three-night break in 20 most popular UK cities over the August bank holiday weekend

    Sheffield offers the best value UK city break over the August bank holiday weekend, according to TripIndex UK Cities, an annual cost comparison study by the travel and booking site, TripAdvisor....

  • August 11, 2016
    Propriedades estão abertas a receber hóspedes de quatro patas no Brasil e no mundo

    São Paulo, 11 de agosto de 2016 – Cada vez mais animais de estimação são considerados parte da família e, por isso, incluídos nos planos da viagem perfeita. Para ajudar os viajantes, o...

  • August 10, 2016

    Madrid, 10 de agosto 2016 – El flamenco es un arte que siempre ha estado arraigado a la cultura española, y en el cual la música y el baile son protagonistas. Para aquellos viajeros que estén...

  • August 09, 2016
    TripAdvisor Ferienwohnungen stellt acht Domizile direkt an der Klippe vor

    München, 9. August 2016 – Wie nahe kann man dem Meer bei der Wahl der Unterkunft kommen? TripAdvisor Ferienwohnungen hat aus den mehr als 815.000 Ferien-unterkünften auf der weltweit größten...

  • August 09, 2016
    Site de planejamento e reservas de viagens indica imóveis disponíveis para aluguel de temporada para continuar pegando monstrinhos

    São Paulo, 9 de agosto de 2016 –O mundo inteiro foi contaminado pela febre Pokémon, e uma viagem não pode atrapalhar o progresso dos milhares de caçadores ao redor do mundo. É possível...

  • August 09, 2016
    Em Florianópolis, viajantes podem poupar até R$ 2.200 por semana no período

    São Paulo, agosto – Dados do TripAdvisor Aluguel de Temporada revelam economias significativas para viajantes que querem poupar no final deste ano. A média de preços para alugar uma...

  • August 04, 2016


  • August 03, 2016

    「海外旅行に行く際の旅行者のお気に入り」について調査を実 施し、「スーツケース」「デジタルカメラ」「ガイドブック」などの旅の定番携行品から、「薬」「保険」「クレジットカード」などの海外旅 行に便利なものや「アウトドアグッズブランド」などの旅行者から重宝されるブランドまで、海外旅行をより快適にする 11 カテゴリ について、約 11,500 名の日本のユーザーに投票いただきました。

  • August 02, 2016


  • August 02, 2016

    Madrid, 2 de agosto 2016 - El verano invita a salir de casa y pasar tiempo disfrutando del aire libre y la naturaleza. Por ello, TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes,...

  • August 02, 2016
    TripAdvisor stellt zehn top-bewertete Naturattraktionen in Deutschland vor

    München, 2. August 2016 – Raus aus der Stadt und rein ins Grüne: Ausflüge im Freien sind gerade in der wärmeren Jahreszeit eine beliebte Art der Freizeitgestaltung. TripAdvisor®, die...

  • August 02, 2016
    Stonehenge is UK’s most popular visitor attraction outside capital, according to TripAdvisor booking data

    With the school holidays in full swing, it is peak season for the UK attractions industry. While London remains the most popular UK destination for international travellers, there are a host of...

  • August 02, 2016
    Passeios com nota máxima no site ajudam a inspirar viagens para conhecer belezas naturais no Brasil

    São Paulo, 2 de agosto de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, preparou uma lista com as melhores atrações nacionais ao ar livre, selecionadas de acordo com as...

  • July 28, 2016

    Milano, 28 luglio 2016 – Se amate la storia e sognate di soggiornare in un hotel fuori dal comune TripAdvisor, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di viaggi, ha ciò che fa al caso...

  • July 27, 2016

    ​今年もトヨタの歴史と伝 統がよく分かると人気の『トヨタ産業技術記念館』(愛知県名古屋市)が 2 年連続で 1 位を獲得しました。2 位には、大人 もクルーの制服を着て写真撮影ができる『JAL 工場見学 Sky Museum』(東京都大田区)が、3 位にはウイスキーので きる過程をじっくり学び楽しめる『サントリー山崎蒸留所』(大阪府島本町)がランクインしました。

  • July 20, 2016
    Oxford Economics Study reveals TripAdvisor's impact on global travel economy

    Sydney, Wednesday 20th July, 2016 – A global statistical analysis of international and domestic travel has found that TripAdvisor’s breadth of content, trusted consumer reviews, and booking...

  • July 20, 2016
    ~最もリーズブルな観光都市は 3 年連続でハノイ(ベトナム)、東京は 2 番目に物価の高い都市~

    ベトナムのハノイが、昨年に続いて 3 年連続で「旅行者物価の最も安い都市」に選ばれました。 今回発表する旅行者物価指数は、4 つ星ホテルでの 3 泊宿泊、計 3 か所の観光名所への訪問、3 回分の昼食代と夕食代、 また夕食をとるレストランへのタクシー往復費用 3 回分の平均値を合計しています。

  • July 19, 2016


  • July 19, 2016
    La capital de España se posiciona en 8º lugar de las ciudades más económicas del mundo y 2ª de Europa

    Madrid, 19 de julio de 2016 – Hanói es el destino con la mejor relación calidad-precio en el mundo para una escapada, según el TripIndex Ciudades, un estudio comparativo anual de costes de...

  • July 19, 2016
    TripIndex-Cities: Kostenüberblick zu einer dreitägigen Reise in 20 Städte weltweit

    München, 19. Juli 2016 – Eine Kurzreise in eine Metropole kostet im Durchschnitt 892 Euro. Das verrät der aktuelle TripIndex Cities von TripAdvisor®. Die Webseite zur Reiseplanung und...

  • July 19, 2016
    TripAdvisor’s TripIndex reveals the price of a three-day break in 20 world cities

    Hanoi is the best value destination in the world for a city break, according to TripIndex Cities, an annual TripAdvisor cost comparison study. TripIndex Cities, conducted by independent research...

  • July 19, 2016
    TripAdvisor’s TripIndex reveals the price of a three-day break in 20 world cities: Asia offers best value

    SINGAPORE, 19 July 2016 – Hanoi is the best value destination in the world for a city break, according to TripIndex Cities, an annual TripAdvisor cost comparison study. TripIndex Cities,...

  • July 19, 2016
    Southern U.S. Offers Lowest Prices Domestically; Southeast Asia is Least Expensive Internationally

    NEEDHAM, Mass., July 19, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the results of its annual TripIndex™ Cities cost-comparison study, revealing that New...

  • July 19, 2016
    A pesquisa TripIndex Cidades revela o custo para estadia de três dias em 20 destinos ao redor do mundo

    São Paulo, 19 de julho de 2016 – A cidade de Hanói, no Vietnã, é o destino mais econômico do mundo para uma viagem curta de férias, segundo o TripIndex Cidades, pesquisa anual de preços...

  • July 19, 2016
    Il TripIndex di TripAdvisor rivela i costi di un viaggio di tre giorni in 20 città del mondo

    Milano, 19 luglio 2016 – Hanoi è la destinazione più economica al mondo per un city break secondo il TripIndex Cities, lo studio annuale di comparazione prezzi di TripAdvisor®, il sito per la...

  • July 14, 2016

    SYDNEY, Australia, July 14, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its “Book to Save” promotion, to help travellers save more money on their travel with...

  • July 14, 2016


  • July 13, 2016
    Estas mejoras ofrecerán a los viajeros más transparencia y conocimiento del valor total de un vuelo, más allá del precio

    Madrid, 12 de julio de 2016 – TripAdvisor® anuncia hoy la introducción en la web de Opiniones sobre Compañías Aéreas, así como un nuevo rediseño del servicio de búsqueda de vuelos y el...

  • July 13, 2016
    Virgin Australia is one of the first airlines globally to embrace traveller reviews and pro-actively seek customer feedback 88 percent of Aussie travellers welcome airline reviews; the majority saying they would write reviews to improve the experience for others

    TripAdvisor® has announced the launch of a new airline reviews platform, a newly redesigned Flights search service, and beta launch of its “flyscore” that rates the quality of each air travel...

  • July 12, 2016
    Mehr Transparenz und bessere Einblicke für Reisende in den Gesamtwert eines Fluges jenseits des Preises

    München, 12. Juli 2016 – TripAdvisor® gibt den Launch seiner neuen Airline Bewertungs-Plattform sowie die Neugestaltung der Flugsuche bekannt. Zudem steht ab sofort das Tool „Flyscore“ in...

  • July 12, 2016
    84 percent of travellers in Singapore surveyed feel online reviews would help them make better decisions about the airlines and flights they choose

    SINGAPORE, July 12, 2016 – TripAdvisor® today announced the launch of a new airline reviews platform, as well as a newly redesigned Flights search service and beta launch of its “flyscore”...

  • July 12, 2016
    New Features Give Travelers More Transparency and Insights into the Total Value of a Flight Beyond the Price

    NEEDHAM, Mass., July 12, 2016 – TripAdvisor® today announced the launch of a new airline reviews platform, as well as a newly redesigned Flights search service and beta launch of its “flyscore”

  • July 12, 2016

    NEEDHAM, Mass., July 12, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its “Book to Save” promotion, to help travelers save more money on their travel with a 20...

  • July 12, 2016
    Le nuove funzionalità forniscono maggiore trasparenza e più dettagli su ciò che realmente offre un volo al di là del prezzo

    Milano, 12 luglio 2016 – TripAdvisor® annuncia oggi il lancio di una nuova piattaforma per le recensioni dei voli e del servizio di Ricerca Voli riprogettato, oltre al lancio in versione beta...

  • July 12, 2016
    TripAdvisor’s TripIndex reveals the price of a three-day break in 20 world cities

    Hanoi is the best value destination in the world for a city break, according to TripIndex Cities, an annual TripAdvisor cost comparison study. TripIndex Cities, conducted by independent research...

  • July 08, 2016
    Novas ferramentas proporcionam aos usuários mais transparência e informação sobre viagens de avião

    São Paulo, julho de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia hoje o lançamento da plataforma de avaliações de companhias aéreas, além da reformulação...

  • July 08, 2016
    Une étude d’Oxford Economics dévoile l’impact de TripAdvisor et des avis de voyageurs sur l’économie nationale et internationale du voyage en 2014

    Paris, 8 juillet 2016 – Une étude sur la contribution économique mondiale de TripAdvisor® réalisée par Oxford Economics révèle que la richesse du contenu proposé par TripAdvisor, les...

  • July 07, 2016
    Pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, Beto Carrero World é o vencedor do prêmio Travelers’ Choice; Beach Park é o parque aquático mais bem colocado

    São Paulo, 7 de julho de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reserva de viagens, anuncia hoje os vencedores da edição 2016 do prêmio Travalers’ Choice Parques de Diversões e...

  • July 06, 2016
    Ecco come visitare le destinazioni preferite dai VIP... senza spendere una fortuna

    Milano, 06 luglio 2016 – Con l’avvento dei social media è ora più semplice che mai per star del calibro di Beyoncé e Jay Z, Sarah Jessica Parker e Katie Perry tenerci aggiornati su ogni...

  • July 05, 2016

    中国,北京,2016年7月5日——全球领先旅游网站TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)今日宣布Gary Fritz正式加入其管理团队,出任首席发展官及亚太区总裁。

  • July 05, 2016

    TripAdvisor® (NASDAQ:TRIP), the travel planning and booking site, today announced that Gary Fritz has joined TripAdvisor’s management team as the chief growth officer of TripAdvisor and...

  • July 05, 2016

    NEEDHAM, MA, July 5, 2016, TripAdvisor® (NASDAQ:TRIP), the travel planning and booking site, today announced that Gary Fritz has joined TripAdvisor’s management team as the chief growth officer...

  • July 05, 2016

    TripAdvisor® (NASDAQ:TRIP), the travel planning and booking site, today announced that Gary Fritz has joined TripAdvisor’s management team as the chief growth officer of TripAdvisor and...

  • July 01, 2016

    Japan is becoming ever more popular with British travellers and it’s not just the more well-known destinations that are piquing our interest. Research from TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and...

  • June 30, 2016
    Il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di viaggi svela la classifica dei Parchi Divertimento & Parchi Acquatici più apprezzati del 2016 Tripletta italiana nelle classifiche europee con Gardaland, Etnaland e Aqualandia Settembre il mese più conveniente per soggiornare nei pressi dei parchi tematici italiani

    Milano, 30 giugno 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei Travelers’ Choice™ Attractions Parchi Divertimento & Parchi...

  • June 29, 2016

    北京 中国,2016年6月29日——全球领先旅游平台TripAdvisor(中文版:猫途鹰)隆重揭晓2016年“旅行者之选”全球最佳主题公园和水上乐园榜单。该榜单是基于过去12个月内TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)网站上全球千万旅行者对世界各地的主题公园和水上乐园的评分、点评内容和数量综合计算得出,客观地反应了其受欢迎程度。

  • June 29, 2016
    Siam Park, en Tenerife, ha sido reconocido por los viajeros por tercer año consecutivo como el Mejor Parque Acuático del Mundo.

    Madrid, 29 de junio de 2016 –TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premiosTravellers´ ChoiceTM para Parques Acuáticos. Los...

  • June 29, 2016
    TripAdvisor stellt die Travellers’ Choice Awards für Freizeitparks 2016 vor

    München, 29. Juni 2016 – Freizeitparks werden immer beliebter: Laut einer Studie von TripAdvisor®, der Reisewebseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung, ist das Interesse der internationalen...

  • June 29, 2016

    SINGAPORE, June 29, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, has announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for Amusement Parks, with Universal Studios Singapore

  • June 29, 2016

    2016 年の日本のテーマパーク第 1 位には、『東京ディズニーシー』(千葉県浦安市)が選ばれました。2 位は、『ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン』(大阪府大阪市)、3 位には『東京ディズニーランド』(千葉県浦安市)がランクイン。

  • June 28, 2016
    Hampshire amusement park also named among world’s top 25, according to millions of traveller reviews and opinions

    Paultons Park, Home of Peppa Pig World has today been named as the sixth best-rated amusement park in Europein the Travellers’ Choice TM awards for Amusement Parks, announced by TripAdvisor, the...

  • June 28, 2016
    Universal’s Islands of Adventure Named #1 Amusement Park in the U.S. and World

    NEEDHAM, Mass., June 28, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers’ Choice™ awards for Amusement Parks and Water Parks. Award...

  • June 22, 2016
    Traffic-Studie: Die Lieblingsorte aus Games of Thrones der TripAdvisor-Community

    München, 22. Juni 2016 – Warum nicht einmal zu den Kulissen der Filmstars reisen? Pünktlich zum Finale der sechsten Staffel vom Games of Thrones am 26. Juni stellt TripAdvisor®, die Webseite...

  • June 22, 2016
    47.000 posti di lavoro sono stati influenzati dalla spesa turistica generata da TripAdvisor

    Milano, 22 giugno 2016 – In Italia le recensioni di TripAdvisor hanno generato una spesa turistica di 2,3 miliardi di Euro e hanno supportato 47.000 posti di lavoro nel 2014, è quanto emerge da...

  • June 22, 2016


  • June 21, 2016
    ~岐阜県高山市の中華料理店『平安楽』が 1 位!ベジタリアンやハラールに対応する店が目立つ~


  • June 20, 2016

    On a list of reasons to take a holiday, “getting away from daily stresses” might be at the top. When every text message, email and social notification gets delivered directly to our pockets, it’

  • June 17, 2016

    SINGAPORE, June 17, 2016 – The 2015 edition of TripBarometer, the world’s largest barometer of traveller sentiment, already revealed that TV tourism is rising, with one in five travellers...

  • June 16, 2016
    Em ponto turístico na Croácia, buscas aumentaram quase seis vezes em um ano

    São Paulo, 16 de junho de 2016 – A série de TV “Game of Thrones” está agitando os fãs, que aguardam ansiosamente o fim da sexta temporada, em 26 de junho. Por causa do interesse global...

  • June 15, 2016

    The 2015 edition of TripBarometer, the world’s largest barometer of traveller sentiment, already revealed that TV tourism is rising, with one in five travellers choosing a destination based on...

  • June 15, 2016
    Secondo uno studio di TripAdvisor, sul lago di Garda di trovano 4 delle 10 destinazioni italiane che hanno visto la più alta crescita anno su anno nelle ricerche dei viaggiatori internazionali

    Milano, 15 giugno 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di viaggi, ha svelato oggi qual è il mercato inbound con la crescita più rapida per l’Italia1. Lo studio...

  • June 14, 2016

    Madrid, 14 de junio, 2016.- La edición de 2015 del estudio TripBarometer ya reveló que el turismo de televisión está en auge, ya que uno de cada cinco viajeros elige destino en base a lo que...

  • June 14, 2016
    ~『伏見稲荷大社』、『広島平和記念資料館』、『厳島神社』が上位 3 位に 3 年連続で登場、『アキバフクロウ』や『栗林公園』など 9 の観光スポットがランキングに初登場~


  • June 10, 2016

    Paris, France – 10 juin 2016 – C’est le début de la saison estivale qui fait place au soleil, au sable… et aussi aux mariages ! Mais avant le grand jour vient le temps de l’enterrement...

  • June 08, 2016
    Visita los destinos favoritos de los famosos sin arruinarte

    Con la llegada de las redes sociales, hoy es más fácil que nunca conocer los gustos de Beyoncé, Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie o el clan Kardashian y mantenernos actualizados en cada minuto de sus...

  • June 08, 2016
    Localizado em Santa Catarina, o hotel também ocupa a primeira posição na lista do Brasil e é o 11° colocado no mundo

    São Paulo, junho de 2016 – Para celebrar o Dia dos Namorados, o TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia os vencedores do prêmio Travelers’ Choice™ Hotéis...

  • June 07, 2016
    日本石川县成全球游客新宠 海外游客前往意向年增速达59%

    中国北京 – 2016年6月7日 – 据全球最大旅游网站TripAdvisor®(中文版:猫途鹰)近日发布的一项有关“日本入境游“的网站数据研究显示:中国对日本入境游市场的影响力日趋增强,中国游客赴日旅游意[1]向同比提升130%,远远高于其他国家及地区游客。数据显示:全球游客赴日旅游意向平均同比增长15%。

  • June 03, 2016
    Kanazawa takes centre stage with 65% year-over-year increase in search from international travellers

    Tokyo, June 3, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today released a new study showing the fastest growing inbound markets for Japan. The study examined markets showing the...

  • June 03, 2016


  • June 02, 2016
    Un estudio de Oxford Economics revela el impacto de TripAdvisor en la economía global del turismo

    Madrid, 2 de junio de 2016- Un análisis global estadístico de viajes internacionales y nacionales ha constatado que la magnitud del contenido, fiabilidad de los comentarios de los consumidores,...

  • June 02, 2016
    TripAdvisor-Untersuchung zu europäischen Städten mit dem größten Zuwachs an Suchanfragen im Jahresvergleich

    München, 2. Juni 2016 – Es muss nicht immer London, Paris oder Rom sein. Welche Städte bei deutschen Reisenden aktuell besonders gefragt sind, zeigt TripAdvisor®, die Webseite zur...

  • June 02, 2016

    Paris, le 2 juin 2016: TripAdvisor®, le site de planification et de réservation de voyage, dévoile les activités à proximité des stades français dont les fans de football pourront profiter...

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