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  • July 24, 2018
    Universal's Islands of Adventure Ranks #1 in World and Disney's Typhoon Lagoon is Best in America; Orlando is the World's Ultimate Theme Park Destination with Nine Winners Overall

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for Amusement Parks and Water Parks. Award winners were determined using an...

  • July 24, 2018
    Leolandia miglior parco divertimenti d’Italia, ottavo a livello europeo Veneto regina dell’intrattenimento per grandi e bambini con 4 parchi premiati nella classifica nazionale

    Milano, 24 luglio 2018– TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori de premi Travelers’ Choice™Parchi Divertimento & Parchi...

  • July 24, 2018
    En España, un total de 10 parques temáticos han sido reconocidos por los viajeros, tres de ellos entre los mejores del mundo y de Europa

    Madrid, 24 de julio de 2018 - TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers' Choice® Parques de Atracciones y Acuáticos....

  • July 24, 2018
    - Cocorico ! Le parc de loisirs historique Le Puy du Fou arrive en tête des classements français et européen des meilleurs parcs d’attractions et intègre le trio de tête au classement mondial (+ 3 places par rapport à l’an dernier) - Un deuxième parc français au palmarès mondial. Le Parc Disneyland de Marne-la-Vallée intègre cette année le Top 10 mondial.

    Paris, le 24 juillet 2018 – TripAdvisor®, site de planification et de réservation de voyages, annonce aujourd'hui les parcs d’attractions gagnants des Travellers’ Choice® Awards 2018 pour...

  • July 24, 2018
    Paultons Park is #1 in UK for the third year in a row; Universal’s Islands of Adventure Ranks #1 in World Siam Park Wins Again as World’s Top Water Park; Swansea’s LC Water Park #5 in Europe

    London, UK, 24 July 2018 – Paultons Park, home of Peppa Pig World, has been named the UK’s best-rated amusement park in this year’s Travellers’ Choice® awards for Amusement Parks and...

  • July 24, 2018
    TripAdvisor Reveals Top Amusement and Water Parks in Australia and the World

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced Hervey Bay’s WetSide Water Park as the #1 Amusement Park/Water Park in Australia and the South Pacific. The attraction also...

  • July 24, 2018
    TripAdvisor Reveals Top Amusement Parks and Water Parks in Asia

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Amusement Parks and Water Parks. For the past five years, Universal...

  • July 24, 2018
    ~「トヨタ産業技術記念館」が 4 年連続 1 位!初登場の施設が 2 か所ランクイン!~

    1 位には、4 年連続で「トヨタ産業技術記念館」(愛知県名古屋市)が選ばれました。この「トヨタ産業技術記念館」 をはじめ、電車・車・飛行機などの乗り物系施設は、計 11 ヶ所がランクイン。トップ 20 のうち、半分以上を占めま した。また酒類を含む食品・飲料系の施設が計 8 施設ランクインし、根強い人気を見せました。

  • July 20, 2018
    New research from TripAdvisor shows Millennials are locking horns with Baby Boomers and shunning traditional queuing etiquette by skipping the line

    Queuing is a dying trait amongst younger Australians, research commissioned by TripAdvisor and backed by a British behavioural psychologist and queuing expert suggests. While almost three quarters...

  • July 18, 2018
    Una ricerca di TripAdvisor mette in evidenza i diversi atteggiamenti delle persone in coda per visitare un’attrazione di loro interesse

    Milano, 18 luglio 2018 – Paese che vai, usanze che trovi, anche in materia di file d’attesa. È quanto emerge da un’indagine di TripAdvisor, il sito per la pianificazione e la prenotazione...

  • July 18, 2018

    London, UK, 18 July, 2018 – The British love of queuing is a dying national trait, research commissioned by TripAdvisor and backed by Professor Adrian Furnham has found.

    While almost three quarters of the nation (73%) claim they’ve never queue jumped, this figure is in sharp decline amongst Britain’s youth as a battle of the generations plays out in queues across the country. Generation Z (18-24 y/os) are more than twice as likely to push in front than Baby Boomers (43% Gen Z vs 18% Boomers)****.

  • July 17, 2018
    Asturias encabeza la lista de comunidades en las que más se cuelan, con un 75%. Le siguen País Vasco (64%), Castilla y León (63%), Madrid y Cantabria (60%). Los extremeños son los más respetuosos con las filas. Los jóvenes son cada vez más propensos a usar diferentes tácticas para evitar esperar su turno

    Madrid, 18 de julio de 2018 – “Todos las hacemos, pero todos las odiamos”. Así podría describirse la idea más generalizada que los españoles tienen de las colas, una afirmación que se...

  • July 13, 2018
    Dulcie’s Cottage in Merimbula NSW Named #1 in Australia

    TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the top burger restaurants in Australia, based on the millions of reviews and opinions from TripAdvisor diners. Across the country,...

  • July 13, 2018

    野口観光グループが運営する 18 施設において、宿泊施設向けのツール「ビジネスアドバンテージ」のサー ビスを新規導入することになりましたのでお知らせします。

  • July 12, 2018
    A Sanremo il vincitore assoluto a livello nazionale: Manik - l’officina del Burger

    Milano, 12 luglio 2018 – TripAdvisor, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi la classifica dei migliori Burger Restaurant d’Italiasulla base di milioni di recensioni e...

  • July 11, 2018
    Le soleil brille, il fait chaud : le moment idéal pour un repas en terrasse ! Que l’on préfère partir à la mer où à la montagne, la grande gastronomie ou une restauration simple et de qualité, sur TripAdvisor, les voyageurs trouveront leur bonheur sur TripAdvisor.

    Paris, le 11 juillet 2018 - TripAdvisor® site de réservation et de planification de voyage, dévoile aujourd’hui une sélection de restaurants avec terrasse en France pour profiter de...

  • July 11, 2018
    Al's Burger Shack in Chapel Hill, North Carolina Named #1 in the U.S.

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced the top burger restaurants in the U.S. based on the millions of reviews and opinions from TripAdvisor diners. From coast to coast...

  • July 11, 2018
    ~ 『スポンサー提供枠』のパフォーマンスを分析できるレポート機能を追加。広告を掲載した施設では、ページのユニークアクセス数が平均17%増加 ~


  • July 10, 2018

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) announced today that it will audiocast a conference call on Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to answer questions regarding its second quarter...

  • July 10, 2018
    Le contexte économique, la menace terroriste et l’arrivée sur leur marché de nouveaux acteurs encouragent les professionnels du secteur à capitaliser sur leur image en tenant compte de leur réputation en ligne et en renforçant la relation client.

    La dernière étude TripAdvisor compile les réponses de 594 professionnels du secteur de l’hôtellerie-restauration interrogés en France 49% des professionnels de l’accueil et de la...

  • July 09, 2018

    中国 桂林,2018年7月7日——今日,全球旅游平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)联手全球度假产品的开拓者与领导者Club Med地中海俱乐部共同打造的“小小探险家” 主题夏令营活动在桂林正式开启。此次活动以“亲近自然,做个小探险家”为主题,除体验度假村内的各项亲子活动外,还特别邀请复旦大学生命科学院博士与自然科普专家为孩子们开设了自然观察相关课程,在炎炎夏日,让孩子与来自全球的小伙伴体验一场感知自然的探索之旅。

  • July 05, 2018
    Aller de festivals en festivals est une nouvelle façon de voyager qui permet, au-delà d’aller à la rencontre de ses artistes préférés, de visiter de nouvelles régions et de découvrir les spécialités culinaires locales !

    Aller de festivals en festivals est une nouvelle façon de voyager qui permet, au-delà d’aller à la rencontre de ses artistes préférés, de visiter de nouvelles régions et de découvrir les...

  • July 04, 2018
    Inserzioni Sponsorizzate è uno strumento potente che ci sta salvando la stagione. Inserzioni Sponsorizzate ha incrementato le nostre prenotazioni del 25% anno su anno” David Martinez I Urgell, Digital marketing & ecommerce strategy per Derby Hotels Collection Il nuovo report sulle performance di Inserzioni Sponsorizzate mostra che l’ADV porta a una crescita media delle visite uniche sulla pagina della struttura su TripAdvisor pari al 17%

    Milano, 04 luglio 2018–TripAdvisor, Inc.(NASDAQ: TRIP) ha annunciato oggi il lancio di un nuovo strumento di reportistica sulle performance per le strutture che hanno acquistato Inserzioni...

  • July 03, 2018
    “Sponsored Placements is a powerful tool – it’s saving the season for us. Sponsored Placements has increased our year over year bookings by 25%” David Martinez i Urgell, Digital marketing & ecommerce strategy for Derby Hotels Collection New performance reporting for Sponsored Placements shows ads deliver 17% average increase in unique visits to a property’s TripAdvisor listing New enhancements to Business Advantage also added

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) has announced the launch of new ads performance reporting for Sponsored Placements customers that provides accommodation businesses with valuable, actionable...

  • July 02, 2018
    "Sponsored Placements is a powerful tool - it's saving the season for us. Sponsored Placements has increased our year over year bookings by 25%" - David Martinez i Urgell, Digital marketing & ecommerce strategy for Derby Hotels Collection

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced the launch of new ads performance reporting for Sponsored Placements customers that provides accommodation businesses with valuable, actionable...

  • July 02, 2018

    Neuer Performance-Bericht zeigt: Werbeanzeigen generieren durchschnittlich 17 Prozent mehr Zugriffe auf einen Unternehmenseintrag auf TripAdvisor Beispiel: Buchungssteigerung von 25 Prozent im...

  • July 02, 2018
    Lancement de nouvelles analyses de performance pour la solution publicitaire Résultats sponsorisés.

    • « Les Résultats sponsorisés sont un outil puissant qui ont aidé à sauver notre saison. Ils nous permettent d’augmenter nos réservations de +25 % d’année en année » déclare David...

  • June 29, 2018

    中国 上海 2018年6月29日——今日,国际旅游平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)携手苏州市旅游局于上海举办了“苏式慢生活” – 苏州人文旅行主题分享活动。本次主题活动旨在面向在中国生活工作的外国友人介绍苏州当地的人文旅游资源,吸引更多国际游客造访苏州,现场共有来自上海及周边地区的近50位各国友人参与;猫途鹰还邀请了两位知名外籍旅游达人分享苏州旅行的亲身体验,通过外国友人看苏州的视角传递更多中国传统人文故事。

  • June 28, 2018
    Le Vatican est l’activité la plus réservée au monde… TripAdvisor va plus loin et propose une expérience exclusive pour admirer la beauté du Vatican avant même le lever du soleil… et se faire – littéralement – ouvrir les portes par le Clavigero, le gardien des clés du Vatican !

    TripAdvisor, le site proposant le plus grand nombre d’expériences réservables sur Internet, dévoile sa nouvelle visite guidée « Le Réveil du Vatican » Pour la première fois, les...

  • June 28, 2018
    Direction Florence en Italie pour un cours de cuisine des plus typiques dans une ferme Toscane : l’expérience n°1 sur TripAdvisor !

    Paris, le 27 juin 2018 – TripAdvisor®, le site de planification et de réservation de voyages, annonce aujourd'hui le tout premier classement Travellers' Choice® des meilleures expériences...

  • June 27, 2018
    ~ 日本のランキングでは沖縄のビーチが 7 ヶ所も登場。世界のビーチ No.1 に選ばれたのは『グレースベイ』~

    トリップア ドバイザーに投稿された旅行者の口コミ評価をもとに、実際に訪れた旅行者に高く評価されたビーチをランキング化し た「トラベラーズチョイス™ 世界のベストビーチ 2018」を発表しました。

  • June 26, 2018
    Inaugural Awards Recognise the World’s Best Tours and Travel Activities

    Tuscan Farmhouse Cooking Class is #1 Worldwide; Stonehenge, Bath and Lacock Day Trip Tops the List of UK Winners

    LONDON, UK, 26 June 2018 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice® awards for Experiences. The awards recognise...

  • June 26, 2018
    Inaugural Awards Recognize the World's Best Tours and Travel Activities

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its first-ever Travelers' Choice® awards for Experiences. The awards recognize 345 experiences, tours, and...

  • June 26, 2018
    La prima edizione del riconoscimento premia i migliori tour e attività In Italia l’esperienza più apprezzata al mondo Cultura, natura ed enogastronomia i cavalli di battaglia del Bel Paese

    Milano, 26 giugno 2018– TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori della prima edizione dei premi Travelers’ Choice® Experiences. I...

  • June 26, 2018
    Sydney BridgeClimb also ranks #4 Worldwide

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced Sydney BridgeClimb as the winner of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice® awards for Experiences in Australia. It also clinched...

  • June 26, 2018
    Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo #1 Tour in Asia

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the Bangkok by Night: Temples, Markets and Food by Tuk-Tuk as the winner of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice® awards for...

  • June 26, 2018
    Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo #1 Tour in Asia

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the Singapore Zoo Tour with Transfer and Optional Breakfast with Orangutans as the winner of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice®

  • June 26, 2018
    上位 3 位は、カート、フクロウカフェ、お料理教室!日本人には馴染みのない体験も複数ランクイン!


  • June 25, 2018
    TripAdvisor livre son Top des destinations bien-être à travers le monde Bali, en tête du classement pour une retraite bien être réussie Inde, Arizona, Suisse ou encore Australie : les meilleures destinations bien-être ne sont pas toujours celles auxquelles on pense pour l’été !

    Paris, le 26 juin 2018 - Dans un monde hyper connecté où le quotidien bat son plein à un rythme effréné, il devient primordial de s’accorder une pause de bien-être rien que pour soi. Pour...

  • June 21, 2018
    I professionisti italiani dell’ospitalità puntano sull’online: il 96% darà priorità alla reputazione online e il 77% si concentrerà sulle prenotazioni online

    Milano, 21 giugno 2018 – TripAdvisorha annunciato oggi i risultati del Sondaggio sul settore dell’ospitalità, un’indagine volta a comprendere le problematiche, le sfide e le opportunità...

  • June 21, 2018
    For the first time ever, travellers can experience the world’s most-booked attraction in quiet solitude before sunrise

    TripAdvisor, the world’s largest provider of bookable experiences, is giving travellers a look at its new ‘Waking up the Vatican’ tour. For the first time, travellers can experience the...

  • June 20, 2018
    El nuevo Informe del Sector de la Hospitalidad ha encuestado a 2.395 propietarios en todo el mundo, con 540 participantes españoles. Los propietarios de negocios de hostelería coinciden en aumentar su foco en el marketing online y atención al cliente

    Madrid, 19 de junio de 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) ha anunciado hoy los resultados del Informe del Sector de la Hospitalidad, un estudio sobre las cuestiones más urgentes, los...

  • June 20, 2018

    中国 北京,2018年6月20日 ——旅游平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)今日公布了2018年中国游客暑期出境游的10大热门目的地及当地酒店价格趋势。基于猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)中文网站和APP海外目的地访问及当地酒店预订意向数据发现,今年暑期(7月及8月)中国游客出境游热度呈增长趋势,且短途目的地更受欢迎,如日本、泰国的多个旅游目的地均受到高度关注,远途目的地中最热门的则是英国伦敦。

  • June 19, 2018
    Ipsos-Studie gibt Einblicke in die wichtigsten Herausforderungen für Hoteliers sowie Betreibern von Restaurants und Erlebnissen

    München, 19. Juni 2018 – Terrorismus, Over-Tourism, DSGVO – was beschäftigt deutsche Betriebe am meisten? Dieser Frage geht TripAdvisor®, in seinem aktuellen Gastgewerbe-Bericht° auf den...

  • June 19, 2018
    Per la prima volta i viaggiatori possono visitare in tranquillità e in (quasi) solitudine l’attrazione più prenotata del mondo prima dell’alba

    Milano, 19 giugno 2018– TripAdvisor, il fornitore più grande al mondo di esperienze prenotabili online, presenta ai viaggiatori il suo nuovo tour ‘Risveglio del Vaticano’. Per la prima...

  • June 19, 2018
    ~1 位は東京都渋谷区の『ヤキニクバル 韓国の台所 カドチカ店』!19 店舗がランキング初登場~


  • June 18, 2018

    Dans le cadre du partenariat signé en octobre dernier, TripAdvisor® et la Direction Générale des Entreprises présentent aujourd’hui un ensemble d’actions de promotion et de valorisation...

  • June 14, 2018
    Bali, Rishikesh e Sedona dominano la classifica delle mete ideali per fuggire dal caos e dallo stress e rilassarsi con Spa, yoga e cibo salutare

    Milano, 14 giugno 2018 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi le migliori destinazioni a livello mondiale per un viaggio all’insegna del...

  • June 13, 2018
    Unter den Hotspots für Spa-Resorts, Yoga Retreats und gesunde Ernährung ist auch eine Destination aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum

    München, 13. Juni 2018 – Wohin, um die Seele baumeln lassen und Energie tanken zu können? Passend zum Global Wellness Day (9.6) und International Yoga Day (21.6) stellt TripAdvisor®, die...

  • June 13, 2018
    Ten Zen Escapes to Help Travellers Rejuvenate with Spa Resorts, Yoga Retreats, Healthy Restaurants

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the top wellness travel destinations around the globe. TripAdvisor identified zen destinations where travellers can retreat to...

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