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  • November 09, 2016
    ~「JAL 工場見学 Sky Museum」が初の 1 位を獲得!蒸留所やビール工場など試飲のできる無料スポットが人気~

    今年で 6 年目となる今回のランキングは、見どころが満載で大人一人でも楽しめると人気の『JAL 工場見学 Sky Museum』(東京都大田区)が昨年の 7 位から順位を上げ、見事 1 位を獲得しました。2 位には、無料とは思えないほどのクオリティーの高いパフォーマンスを見せてくれる『オキちゃん劇場』(沖縄県本部町)、3 位には 202m の高さから東京の景色が一望できる無料展望スポット『東京都庁舎』(東京都新宿区)がランクインしました。

  • November 08, 2016
    Aktuelle TripAdvisor-Studie präsentiert Trends rund ums Reiseverhalten

    München, 08. November 2016 – TripAdvisor® stellt die Ergebnisse der aktuellen TripBarometer1-Studie vor. Die Webseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung beleuchtet darin Einflussfaktoren auf das...

  • November 08, 2016
    TripAdvisor propose également des tours et des expériences exceptionnels à réserver et découvrir pour les locaux

    Paris, le 08 novembre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, le site de planification et de réservation de voyages, annonce aujourd’hui le résultat de son index des activités les plus tendances révélant...

  • November 07, 2016
    Estudo do TripAdvisor revela média de preços para diária em 35 cidades do continente; destinos brasileiros estão entre os mais econômicos

    São Paulo, 7 de novembro de 2016 – Manaus (AM), Belo Horizonte (MG) e Curitiba (PR) são os destinos mais baratos para se visitar nas próximas férias de verão, segundo o TripIndex América...

  • November 03, 2016
    TripAdvisor Integrates EatWith Content into its Site to Power Social Dining

    SAN FRANCISCO and NEEDHAM, Mass. – November 3, 2016 – Social dining service EatWith and travel planning and booking site TripAdvisor today announced that EatWith has raised a new round of...

  • November 03, 2016
    TripAdvisor intègre le contenu d’EatWith à son site pour encourager sa communauté de millions de voyageurs à vivre des expériences de « social dining »

    San Francisco, USA et Paris, France – le 3 novembre 2016. Le service de « social dining » EatWith et le site de planification et de réservation de voyages TripAdvisor® annoncent...

  • November 01, 2016


  • November 01, 2016
    Historical Sites Seeing Increase in Interest; TripAdvisor Also Identifies Outstanding Tours and Experiences to Book for Local Insights

    NEEDHAM, Mass., November 1, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the results of its Attractions Trend Index, revealing the top 25 U.S. attractions that...

  • October 31, 2016

    9 月末に終了したキャンペーン第一弾の結果について、下記のとおり、まとまりましたので、お知らせいたします。

  • October 26, 2016


  • October 26, 2016
    Ornamental Gardens in Dorset, A York Castle and Peak District Scenic Walk Among Top 10 Increasingly Popular UK Attractions During Autumn Months

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announces the results of its Attractions Trend Index, revealing the top 10 UK attractions that have seen the greatest increase in...

  • October 26, 2016

    Milano, 26 ottobre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha selezionato 10 tra i tour più spaventosi al mondo per trascorrere un Halloween all’insegna...

  • October 21, 2016
    西班牙Martin Berasategui餐厅登顶全球最佳餐厅榜单榜首;北京TRB餐厅成唯一入选全球前25的中国餐厅,中国三家餐厅入选亚洲前25餐厅榜单

    中国北京,2016年10月21日——全球领先的旅游规划及预订网站TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)今日公布了2016年“旅行者之选”全球最佳餐厅榜单。全球前25最佳餐厅中有12家位于欧洲各国,占比近一半,其中西班牙、法国和英国分别有3家餐厅入选。西班牙的Martin Berasategui餐厅登顶全球榜首,坐落于北京的TRB餐厅成唯一进入全球前25位的中国餐厅。此外,香港天龙轩和北京大董烤鸭店(金宝汇店)也进入亚洲前25。

  • October 20, 2016
    Estudo analisou preços de 26 cidades para ajudar viajantes que buscam economia durante as festas de fim de ano

    São Paulo, 20 de outubro de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, revela os resultados do estudo Melhor Época para Reservar, com os meses mais baratos para...

  • October 19, 2016
    Martin Berasategui in Spain Tops World List for 2nd Consecutive Year;

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, announced its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for top restaurants around the world. This year’s awards recognise 528 restaurants overall,...

  • October 19, 2016
    Martin Berasategui in Spain Tops World List for 2nd Consecutive Year; Polkolbin’s Muse Restaurant Best in Australia Top Cheap Eats in Australia Revealed for the First Time

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for top restaurants around the world with New South Wales Muse Restaurant awarded top spot...

  • October 18, 2016
    Martin Berasategui in Spain Tops World List for 2nd Consecutive Year;

    NEEDHAM, Mass., October 18, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its Travelers’ Choice™ awards for top restaurants around the world. This year’s...

  • October 18, 2016
    Es el tercer año seguido que España alberga el mejor restaurante del mundo, con El Celler de Can Roca en 2014 y Martín Berasategui tanto en 2015 como 2016.

    Madrid, 18 de octubre de 2016. - TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers´ ChoiceTM para Restaurantes. En total, se...

  • October 18, 2016
    UK Boasts More Restaurants in World Top 10 Than Any Other Country in 2016 Travellers’ Choice Restaurants Awards

    Raymond Blanc’s Belmond Le Manoir Aux Quat’Saisons has today been named the fourth best rated restaurant in the world, one of three UK restaurants to feature among the world top ten, according...

  • October 18, 2016
    日本のレストラン 1 位には、ランキングに初登場した神戸牛が食べれるレストラン『神戸鉄板焼 白秋』 世界のベストランキングは、今年で 2 年連続 1 位を獲得した『Martin Berasategui』


  • October 18, 2016
    TripAdvisor präsentiert die Travellers‘ Choice Awards für Restaurants mit Schwerpunkt auf gehobene und erstmals regionale Küche

    München, 18. Oktober 2016 – Essen hält Leib und Seele zusammen, aber wo schmeckt‘s in Deutschland aktuell am besten? Das verrät TripAdvisor®, Webseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung, mit...

  • October 18, 2016
    Voilá Bistrot também conquistou primeiro lugar nos rankings do Brasil e América do Sul; lista nacional ainda conta com as dez melhores churrascarias no país

    São Paulo, 18 de outubro de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia hoje os vencedores do prêmio Travelers’ Choice Restaurantes 2016. A edição deste ano...

  • October 18, 2016
    In provincia di Napoli il ristorante di lusso più apprezzato d’Italia In Toscana il vincitore nella categoria ristoranti economici

    Milano, 18 ottobre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Restaurants 2016....

  • October 17, 2016
    Londres est la destination N°1 en Europe pour séjourner une semaine à la Toussaint, tandis que Paris et ses richesses culturelles arrive 1ère en France. TripAdvisor publie aussi une sélection d’attractions à l’attention des familles

    Paris, le 17 octobre 2016 - TripAdvisor®, le site de planification et de réservation de voyage, dévoile le top 10 des destinations les plus populaires en France et en Europe, et publie...

  • October 14, 2016
    Italiani primi in Europa per prenotazioni last minute Prezzo, punteggi sui siti di recensioni e recensioni di TripAdvisor sono la ricetta per l’hotel perfetto Il nuovo studio di TripAdvisor identifica sei tipologie di viaggiatori basate sui modelli comportamentali

    Milano, 14 ottobre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i risultati dello studio TripBarometer1, dove sono evidenziati i fattori...

  • October 13, 2016
    Centenas de atrações onde turistas entram em contato físico com animais selvagens ou ameaçados não estarão mais diponíveis para reservas no TripAdvisor ou no Viator

    São Paulo, 13 de outubro de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia hoje seu compromisso de lançar ações inovadoras no setor de turismo, que incluem...

  • October 12, 2016


  • October 12, 2016
    Hundreds of Animal Attractions Where Tourists Come into Physical Contact with Captive Wild Animals or Endangered Species Will No Longer Be Bookable on TripAdvisor or Viator

    NEEDHAM, Mass. – October 12, 2016 – TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site, today announced its commitment to launch a set of industry-leading actions, including changes to its policy...

  • October 12, 2016
    Centinaia di attrazioni che coinvolgono animali in cui i turisti entrano in contatto fisico con animali selvatici in cattività o specie in via d’estinzione non saranno più prenotabili tramite TripAdvisor o Viator TripAdvisor creerà un portale turistico educativo sugli animali selvatici in collaborazione con alcuni tra i migliori e accreditati gruppi del settore, organizzazioni impegnate nella salvaguardia degli animali, esperti accademici e di turismo, e con gruppi che si occupano del welfare degli animali come l’Association of Zoos and Aquariums, ABTA – The Travel Association, Global Wildlife Conservation, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), Sustainable Travel International, The Treadright Foundation, Think Elephants International e Asian Elephant Support

    Milano, 12 ottobre 2016 – TripAdvisor, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi il proprio impegno a introdurre una serie di iniziative uniche nel loro genere, che includono...

  • October 12, 2016
    Désormais, il ne sera plus possible sur TripAdvisor et Viator de réserver des billets pour des centaines d’attractions mettant en scène des animaux, où les touristes peuvent avoir un contact physique avec des animaux sauvages en captivité ou avec des espèces menacées.

    Avec le soutien d’organisations comme l’Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme (OMT), TripAdvisor va créer un portail éducatif consacré au tourisme avec des animaux pour sensibiliser les...

  • October 12, 2016
    Hundreds of animal attractions where tourists come into physical contact with captive wild animals or endangered species will no longer be bookable on TripAdvisor or Viator

    With endorsements from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), TripAdvisor to create a wildlife tourism education portal for travellers in partnership with top accredited trade...

  • October 12, 2016

    旅行者が冬休みの旅行(12 月最後の 2 週間)に行くためにトリップアドバイザーを通じて予約した宿泊施設に関するデータを分析し、最もお得に予約できる時期を調査した『宿泊予約の最適時期』を発表しました。

  • October 07, 2016

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, treats wine lovers worldwide by unveiling the best rated wine tours not only across the world but across Australia and New Zealand, according...

  • October 05, 2016
    Report Reveals Travelers Can Find Significant Value in Destinations Worldwide When Booking Their Hotels at Optimal Times

    NEEDHAM, Mass., Oct. 05, 2016 -- TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its "Best Time to Book" Holiday report, revealing the least expensive times to book hotels in...

  • October 05, 2016

    Madrid 22 de septiembre de 2016 – Aunque el verano y las altas temperaturas ya están despidiéndose, todavía podemos planear una escapada de fin de semana para desconectar y olvidar el estrés...

  • October 05, 2016

    Madrid, 5 de octubre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, obsequia a los amantes del vino de todo el mundo con la presentación de los mejores tours vinícolas, según

  • October 05, 2016
    Last minute festive shoppers will make biggest savings on trips to Dubai, Dublin and New York

    The Best Time to Book report, released today by the travel planning and booking site, TripAdvisor®, reveals the least expensive times to book hotels in popular global destinations for the...

  • October 05, 2016
    Il report mostra che i viaggiatori possono risparmiare circa il 15% sul prezzo dell’hotel per soggiorni in Europa prenotando in novembre

    Milano, 5 ottobre 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del report “Best Time to Book”, che analizza il miglior periodo...

  • October 05, 2016
    Report Reveals Travellers Can Find Significant Value in Destinations Worldwide When Booking Their Hotels at Optimal Times Data Shows Travellers Can Save 10% on Australasia Hotels for the Holidays When Booking in Late November

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its “Best Time to Book” Holiday report, revealing the least expensive times to book hotels in popular global destinations...

  • September 28, 2016

    「TOKYO100」について、この 度、9 月末をもって第一弾の口コミ募集を終え、10 月 1 日より新たに口コミを募集する第二弾キャ ンペーンをスタートいたしますので、お知らせします。

  • September 23, 2016
    IRC e Mercy Corps riceveranno $1 milione all’anno per i prossimi due anni

    Milano, 23 settembre 2016 – TripAdvisor ha annunciato l’impegno della TripAdvisor Charitable Foundation a donare almeno $5 milioni nei prossimi 3 anni per aiutare la crisi umanitaria dei...

  • September 23, 2016
    ~紅葉名所第 1 位には、京都の『禅林寺 永観堂』がランクイン!~

    今年が初めての発表となる当ランキングは、1位に「紅葉の永観堂」とも呼ばれるほど幻想的な紅葉風景が見られると人気の『禅林寺 永観堂』(京都府京都市)が、2位には深い自然と水の音とのコントラストが美しい『奥入瀬渓流』(青森県十和田市)がランクインしました。

  • September 21, 2016
    Per amanti del vino occasionali o esperti enologi, ecco i tour più apprezzati dai viaggiatori internazionali

    Milano, 21 settembre 2016 – Mentre in molte zone d’Italia i viticoltori si apprestano a raccogliere il frutto del loro lavoro, TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione di...

  • September 21, 2016

    September 24th marks the start of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s royal tour of Canada. And they’ll also be taking their two little ones, Prince George and Princess Charlotte along for the...

  • September 20, 2016


  • September 20, 2016
    IRC and Mercy Corps to Receive $1 Million Each Over 2 Years

    TripAdvisor today announced a commitment of at least $5 million from the TripAdvisor Charitable Foundation over the next 3 years to aid the humanitarian refugee crisis. For its initial...

  • September 20, 2016
    ONGs IRC e Mercy Corps receberão US$ 1 milhão cada uma por dois anos

    São Paulo, 20 de setembro de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia hoje o compromisso de doar ao menos US$ 5 milhões da TripAdvisor Charitable Foundation...

  • September 20, 2016
    IRC et Mercy Corps recevront chacune 1 million de dollars sur 2 ans

    Paris, 20 septembre 2016 – TripAdvisor® annonce que sa fondation de bienfaisance, TripAdvisor Charitable Foundation, s’engage à faire un don d’au moins 5 millions de dollars sur les 3...

  • September 16, 2016
    Carlson Rezidor First Hotel Group to Implement Solution on Runtriz Platform via Radisson Blu One Touch App

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 15, 2016 – TripAdvisor and Viator today announced the launch of an enhanced attractions content solution for travel partners and hospitality providers, newly combining...

  • September 15, 2016
    Carlson Rezidor es el primer grupo hotelero en implementar la solución en la plataforma Runtriz via la app de Radisson Blu One Touch

    Madrid, 15 de septiembre, 2016. – TripAdvisor y Viator han anunciado hoy el lanzamiento de una nueva solución de contenidos de atracciones mejorada para los partners de viajes y proveedores de...

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