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  • May 19, 2017
    由季節性最大增長的酒店查詢數據分析國外遊趨勢 「暑期旅遊價格報告」指出日本的美瑛町和倉敷市為暑期最新熱點


  • May 18, 2017

    ランクインした全 30 施設のうち約 4 割にあたる 11 施設がランキングに初登場となりました。都道府県別にみると、茨城県、大分県、神奈川県、静岡県、宮崎県の 5 つの県にある施設が新たにランクインし、各地の魅力ある神社仏閣がより脚光を浴びていることが伺えます。

  • May 18, 2017
    Le Rapport met en avant les destinations phares de l’été, les hôtels à prix intéressant et les semaines les moins chères pour réserver. En France, Porto-Vecchio est la destination la plus prisée de l’été, mais Chamonix est celle qui permet de faire le plus d’économies. En Europe, Ibiza est la destination la plus populaire mais c’est Lloret de Mar qui offre les prix les plus bas.

    TripAdvisor®, le site de réservation et de planification de voyage, dévoile aujourd’hui son rapport sur les Destinations Phares et au meilleur prix de l’été 2017, et présente le top 10...

  • May 17, 2017
    TripAdvisor Sommerurlaubs-Report verrät, wohin es die deutschen Reisenden in diesem Jahr zieht und wie sich bei der Buchung von Hotel und Flug sparen lässt

    München, 17. Mai 2017 – Der aktuelle Sommerurlaubs-Report von TripAdvisor® untersucht die Hotel- und Flugpreise in den jeweils zehn beliebtesten innerdeutschen und europäischen Reisezielen im...

  • May 17, 2017

    中国 北京 – 2017年5月17日 近日,挪威旅游局、丹麦旅游局、瑞典旅游局、芬兰旅游局(以下简称“北欧四国旅游局”)联手全球领先的在线旅游平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)展开主题为“不同视野,发现北欧惊喜”的全新整合营销活动,面向热爱北欧风情的中国年轻游客,展开线上线下全方位的互动推广。

  • May 17, 2017
    Summer Holiday Value Report highlights where Brits are heading for summer and how to save at these destinations

    LONDON, UK, 17 May 2017 – Ibiza and Bali are the most popular short and long haul destinations for Brits travelling abroad this summer, according to the travel and booking site, TripAdvisor....

  • May 16, 2017


  • May 16, 2017
    Summer Vacation Value Report Reveals U.S. Destinations Seeing Greatest Seasonal Booking Increase; Also Highlights Bargain Hotels and Least Expensive Week to Go

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today revealed its 2017 Summer Vacation Value Report, highlighting the top 50 domestic destinations for U.S. travelers this summer based on the...

  • May 16, 2017
    Il Report di TripAdvisor svela dove gli italiani trascorreranno le vacanze estive Puglia ed Emilia Romagna le regine nazionali dell’estate, Grecia e Spagna primeggiano tra le mete internazionali Soggiornare in Italia in media costa meno ma la destinazione più conveniente tra le mete dell’estate è Bangkok

    Milano, 16 maggio 2017 –TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, annuncia oggi il suo Summer Vacation Value Report 2017, svelando la Top 10 nazionale e...

  • May 16, 2017

    TripAdvisor, le site de planification et de réservation, a fait une sélection dans 10 villes en France d'activités originales à réserver et à offrir à la personne la plus précieuse de...

  • May 15, 2017

    中国 北京2017年5月15日—— 全球领先的旅行规划和预订平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)近日发布了有关“丝绸之路”旅行的趋势分析。此项分析基于TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)全球网站数据,以及今年2月为联合国世界旅游组织(UNWTO)的2017“丝绸之路项目”面向全球市场的调研结果[i]。

  • May 12, 2017

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP), the world's largest travel site*, announced today that Steve Kaufer, CEO, will present at the 45th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom...

  • May 12, 2017


  • May 10, 2017
    TripAdvisor stellt erstmals mobilen Check-Index vor und zeigt auf, wo User ihre Zeit zuhause und unterwegs verbringen

    München, 3. Mai 2017 – Es muss nicht immer der Louvre in Paris oder die Sagrada Familia in Barcelona sein, schon gar nicht, wenn man in der Stadt lebt. Basierend auf Standortdaten von mobilen...

  • May 10, 2017
    TripAdvisor stellt Attraktionen für Weltraum- und Alien-Fans vor

    München, 9. Mai 2017 – Ob neu entdeckte erdähnliche Planeten oder die Weiterführung der Alien-Reihe, die am 18. Mai in den Kinos startet: Das Leben im All fasziniert die Menschen....

  • May 09, 2017

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP), today issued its first quarter 2017 earnings press release and management's prepared remarks, which are available now at

  • May 09, 2017

    Milano, 9 maggio 2017 – Dopo l’incredibile scoperta dei sette pianeti orbitanti intorno alla stella nana Trappist-1 e l’annuncio del primo viaggio privato sulla luna, tutti gli occhi sono...

  • May 09, 2017
    全球最大的旅遊網站首推流動“Check-in”指數 比較當地人與海外遊客喜愛的大不同


  • May 09, 2017
    World’s Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile “Check-Index” to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    TripAdvisor®, today launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travelers’ and locals’ most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in Hong Kong and Taipei, as well as top...

  • May 08, 2017

    TripAdvisor® (NASDAQ: TRIP), the world's largest travel site, and Grubhub (NYSE: GRUB), the nation's leading online and mobile takeout food-ordering company, today announced an agreement...

  • May 08, 2017
    TripAdvisor svela 10 tra le migliori strutture EcoLeader sotto i 150 Euro a notte In provincia di Como una delle strutture green più apprezzate d’Italia Viaggiatori più eco-responsabili grazie alle informazioni degli hotel sul web

    Milano, 13 Aprile 2016 – I viaggiatori italiani sono sempre più attenti all’impatto ambientale dei loro viaggi. È quanto emerge da un’indagine1 condotta da TripAdvisor®, il sito per la...

  • May 08, 2017
    La Basilica di San Pietro è l’attrazione più apprezzata d’Europa ed è quarta nella Top 10 mondiale, dove è accompagnata anche dal Duomo di Milano, decimo Più di 4 italiani su 5 vorrebbero conoscere più a fondo i luoghi storici nazionali

    Milano, 17 maggio 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei Travelers’ Choice™ Attractions Luoghi Storici. I vincitori...

  • May 05, 2017
    World’s Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile “Check-Index” to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    TripAdvisor has launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travellers’ and locals’ most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in major world tourism destinations. The study...

  • May 05, 2017
    Rapid Growth in User-Generated Content Empowers Users with Insights to Make Informed Travel Choices with a High Level of Confidence that They Will Have a Positive Experience

    TripAdvisor®, today announced that it has crossed the 500 million reviews and opinions milestone. The popular travel planning and booking site and app now receives 290 pieces of content every...

  • May 04, 2017

    A l’occasion la journée internationale sans régime qui a lieu le 06 mai, TripAdvisor, le site de planification et de réservation, dévoile 5 restaurants qui proposent de délicieux burgers...

  • May 03, 2017
    Il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo annuncia i risultati del “Check-Index”, il suo primo studio sul mobile che svela dove i consumatori vanno realmente quando si trovano nella loro città e quando viaggiano

    Milano, 3 maggio 2017 – TripAdvisor ha annunciato i risultati del suo primo studio Check-Index mobile che svela hotel, ristoranti, e attrazioni più frequentati da viaggiatori e dalle persone...

  • May 03, 2017

    Due to the celebration of Space Day the 5th of May, along with the exciting discovery of seven new planets orbiting star Trappist-1 and the announcement of the first private trip to the moon, all...

  • April 27, 2017
    TripAdvisor ha inoltre identificato tour e attività prenotabili per visitare e vivere le attrazioni come una persona del luogo Chiese, musei, luoghi storici e attrazioni naturali tra le preferenze dei viaggiatori

    Milano, 27 aprile 2017 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del suo Attractions Trend Index per la stagione primaverile,...

  • April 27, 2017
    The World's Largest Travel Site and App Will Include All IHG Hotel Brands in its Instant Booking Marketplace

    TripAdvisor® (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced a partnership with IHG to include all the company's hotel brands in the TripAdvisor instant booking marketplace. In the coming months, consumers will...

  • April 27, 2017

    東京を訪れる方々が、よりバラエティ豊かに東京の滞在を楽しんでいただけるよう、定番の観光地だけでなく穴場スポットや隠れた名店などを多くの方の口コミにより掘り起し、東京のベスト100スポットを決定する「TOKYO100」キャンペーンを昨年4月から実施してきました。 この度、最終結果がまとまりました。

  • April 26, 2017

    中国 北京,2017年4月27日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)跨界联合Kindle在天猫旗舰店推出2017套限量联名版电子书阅读器套装,即日起正式发售。作为2017年TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)“旅行者之选”中国旅行者喜爱的品牌之一,亚马逊Kindle获得中国旅行者最喜爱的电子阅读设备,并以此展开双方品牌间的深度合作。

  • April 26, 2017
    TripAdvisor Also Highlights Bookable Tours and Experiences to Maximize Spring Trips

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the results of its Seasonal Attractions Trend Index providing travelers with insight into the hottest attractions for spring,...

  • April 26, 2017
    World’s Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile “Check-Index” to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    TripAdvisor today launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travelers’ and locals’ most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in major world tourism destinations. The study...

  • April 25, 2017
    World's Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile "Check-Index" to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    TripAdvisor today launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travelers' and locals' most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in major world tourism destinations. The study was...

  • April 25, 2017
    World’s Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile “Check-Index” to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    LONDON, UK, 25 April, 2017 – TripAdvisor today launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travellers’ and locals’ most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in major...

  • April 25, 2017
    Le célèbre site de planification et de réservation de voyage lance son premier « Check-Index » mobile, pour découvrir où les utilisateurs se rendent, chez eux et à l’étranger

    Paris, 25 avril 2017 – TripAdvisor lance aujourd’hui son premier « Check-Index » mobile, fondé sur les données mobiles de localisation, qui dévoile les hôtels, les restaurants et les...

  • April 25, 2017

    当朝食ランキングは 2010 年から発表しており、本年で 8 年目の発表となります。今年のベスト 3 は昨年と変わらず、 5 年連続 1 位に輝いた『ホテルピエナ神戸』、北海道函館市の海鮮丼が有名な『ラビスタ函館ベイ』が 2 位に、そして 3 位には、郷土料理が豊富と話題の沖縄の『ホテル ロコア ナハ』がランクインしました。

  • April 24, 2017
    Rapid Growth in User-Generated Content Empowers Users with Insights to Make Informed Travel Choices with a High Level of Confidence that They Will Have a Positive Experience

    TripAdvisor®, today announced that it has crossed the 500 million reviews and opinions milestone. The popular travel planning and booking site and app now receives 290 pieces of content every...

  • April 24, 2017


  • April 21, 2017


  • April 21, 2017
    Bali tops 418 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice award-winning travel destinations across the globe; Oxford Economics study also reveals TripAdvisor’s impact on Indonesian travel economy

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, has announced Bali as the world winner of its 2017 Travelers’ Choice™ awards for destinations[1]. The award marks the first time an Asian...

  • April 20, 2017

    München, 19. April 2017 – TripAdvisor® hat die 500 Millionen-Marke bei Reviews und Meinungen geknackt. Die beliebte Reiseplanungs- und Buchungsseite erhält nun 290 Beiträge pro Minute...

  • April 20, 2017
    Il veloce aumento di contenuti generati dagli utenti offre alle strutture opportunità uniche di coinvolgere i viaggiatori globali, incrementare le prenotazioni e crescere online

    Milano, 20 aprile 2017 – TripAdvisor ha annunciato oggi di aver raggiunto quota 500 milioni di recensioni e opinioni. Il noto sito e app di viaggi e prenotazioni riceve 290 contributi ogni...

  • April 20, 2017
    Rapid Growth in User-Generated Content Offers Unique Opportunities for Businesses to Engage with Global Travelers, Increase Bookings and Thrive Online

    TripAdvisor today announced that it has crossed the 500 million reviews and opinions milestone. The popular travel planning and booking site and app now receives 290 pieces of content every minute...

  • April 19, 2017
    TripAdvisor stellt Hotspots für einen Strandurlaub in Europa vor

    München, 19. April 2017 – Wohin soll der nächste Badeurlaub in der Nähe gehen? Laut Meinung der internationalen TripAdvisor®-Community° punkten Strände auf den Balearen und im Baskenland. Auß

  • April 19, 2017

    中国 北京,2017年4月19日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)今日公布点评数量突破5亿条。作为备受全球旅行者喜爱的旅行网站和APP,TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)现在平均每分钟收到超过290条用户提交的内容。旅游点评内容的飞速增长,正是基于旅行者们乐于分享的精神,希望用他们的切身体验和建议帮助更多旅行者,也成就了5亿条点评这一现象级的里程碑。

  • April 19, 2017
    Rapid Growth in User-Generated Content Offers Unique Opportunities for Businesses to Engage with Global Travelers, Increase Bookings and Thrive Online

    TripAdvisor today announced that it has crossed the 500 million reviews and opinions milestone. The popular travel planning and booking site and app now posts 290 pieces of content every minute of...

  • April 19, 2017
    Non solo hotel: gastronomia, mobile e tour, gli altri volti dei viaggi eco È italiana la struttura EcoLeader Platino più apprezzata d’Italia e d’Europa, quarta nel mondo

    Milano, 19 aprile 2017 – I viaggiatori italiani sono attenti all’impatto ambientale delle strutture in cui soggiornano e dei tour e attrazioni che prenotano durante il loro viaggio. È quanto...

  • April 19, 2017

    LONDON, UK, 19 April, 2017 – TripAdvisor today announced that it has crossed the 500 million reviews and opinions milestone. The popular travel planning and booking site and app now receives 290...

  • April 19, 2017
    La croissance rapide du contenu généré par les utilisateurs est une opportunité unique pour les établissements de s’engager avec les voyageurs du monde entier, d’augmenter les réservations et de prospérer en ligne

    Paris, le 19 avril 2017 - TripAdvisor®, annonce avoir dépassé la barre des 500 millions d’avis et opinions. Le célèbre site de planification et de réservation de voyage et son application reç

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