Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
July 25, 2019Un total de 10 parques temáticos españoles han sido galardonados por los viajeros, dos de ellos a nivel mundial y europeo
Madrid, 23 de julio de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado los ganadores de sus premios Travellers’ Choice Parques de Atracciones y Acuáticos. TripAdvisor...
July 25, 2019Tourism partner testing showed 25% lift in traveler engagement
TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel platform, today announced a new sponsorship opportunity exclusively for tourism organizations intent on driving increased engagement of their content within...
July 25, 2019I test effettuati dai partner turistici hanno mostrato un aumento del 25% nel coinvolgimento dei viaggiatori
Milano, 25 luglio 2019 – TripAdvisor, la piattaforma di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi una nuova opportunità di sponsorizzazione dedicata esclusivamente alle organizzazioni...
July 25, 2019Tourism partner testing showed 25% lift in traveller engagement
TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel platform, today announced a new sponsorship opportunity exclusively for tourism organisations intent on driving increased engagement of their content within...
July 24, 2019
TripAdvisor ehrt die Lieblings-Freizeitparks der Community mit dem Travellers‘ Choice Award 2019 Drei deutsche Parks im Europa-Ranking vertreten, einer platziert sich in der Welt-Liste München,...
July 24, 2019〜 日本では『ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン』が3連覇、『志摩スペイン村パルケエスパーニャ』が初登場!世界1位は、アメリカの『アイランズ・オブ・アドベンチャー』 〜
July 22, 2019
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel platform, today revealed the most popular restaurants and great hidden-gem alternatives in top summer travel destinations. To offer more flexibility to...
July 17, 2019~1位は石垣島の『明石食堂』、2位は久米島の『やん小~』、3位は那覇市の『すーまぬめぇ』!美味しいだけじゃない、スープも具材も個性豊かな店が多くランクイン!~
July 16, 2019Une nouvelle étude de TripAdvisor réalisée avec Ipsos MORI révèle que les avis en ligne continuent d'influencer les décisions de réservation : 4 personnes sur 5 se disent plus confiantes dans leurs décisions de réservation après avoir lu des avis.
Paris, le 16 juillet 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la plus grande plateforme de voyage au monde, annonce aujourd'hui les résultats d'une étude qui révèle l'influence significative des avis sur les...
July 16, 2019Un nuevo estudio publicado por TripAdvisor e Ipsos MORI revela que las opiniones online siguen influyendo en las decisiones a la hora de reservar. De hecho, cuatro de cada cinco personas dicen que se sienten más seguras al hacerlo Según los 23.000 encuestados de 12 mercados, las opiniones son relevantes y la confianza es alta
Madrid, 16 de julio de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado los resultados de un estudio que muestra cómo las opiniones influyen significativamente en las...
July 16, 2019• Un nuovo studio realizzato da TripAdvisor e Ipsos MORI rivela che le recensioni online continuano a influenzare le decisioni di prenotazione • 4 persone su 5 dichiarano di sentirsi più sicure nella fase decisionale di prenotazione • Le recensioni sono rilevanti e la fiducia è alta secondo 23.000 rispondenti da 12 mercati
Milano, 16 luglio 2019– TripAdvisor, la piattaforma di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i risultati di uno studio che rivela quanto le recensioni influenzino significativamente le...
July 16, 2019由猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)和Ipsos MORI发布的研究结果显示:在线点评持续影响人们的预订决策;
July 16, 2019- New study released by TripAdvisor and Ipsos MORI reveals online reviews continue to influence booking decisions
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel platform, today announced the results of a study which uncovers how significantly reviews influence booking decisions. The global study, conducted in...
July 16, 2019● New study released by TripAdvisor and Ipsos MORI reveals online reviews continue to influence booking decisions ● Four out of five people say TripAdvisor makes them feel more confident in their booking decisions ● Reviews are relevant, and trust is high, according to 23,000 respondents from 12 markets
TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel information platform, today announced the results of a study which uncovers how significantly reviews influence booking decisions. The global study,...
July 15, 2019
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) announced today that it will audiocast a conference call on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to answer questions regarding its second quarter...
July 12, 2019~ 訪日旅行客の動向や外国人に人気の施設ランキングを集約掲載。アジアと欧米豪では訪日旅行でやりたいことに差のあることが明らかに! ~
July 12, 2019澎湖、台北、花蓮位居國旅最受歡迎出遊目的地前三名 東京、倫敦、曼谷為台灣人最想造訪的三大城市
July 01, 2019Un tour por el Vaticano ha sido galardonado como la mejor experiencia a nivel mundial, mientras que un recorrido fotográfico en bicicleta eléctrica por Barcelona ocupa el primer puesto de España y el 14º del mundo
Madrid, 18 de junio de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado los ganadores de sus premios Travellers’ Choice Experiencias. Estos galardones reconocen las mejores...
June 27, 2019Nearly half of Singapore travellers surveyed plan to go overseas during the long weekend in August
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced its 2019 Mid-Year* Holiday Destination Report, highlighting the 10 most popular international destinations among Singapore...
June 26, 2019Bali ranks #1 for Aussie travel in Winter; Destinations such as New York City, Paris and Viti Levu place in the Top 10
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced its 2019 Winter Holiday Destination Report, highlighting the 10 most popular overseas destinations for Australian travellers this...
June 25, 2019
München, 25. Juni 2019 – TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, präsentiert die Gewinner der Travellers‘ Choice Awards für Erlebnisse. Die Auszeichnung basiert auf der...
June 18, 2019
Paris, le 18 juin 2019 - TripAdvisor®, le plus grand site de voyages au monde, annonce aujourd'hui les gagnants de ses Travellers' Choice Awards des expériences réservables préférées des...
June 18, 2019A Roma l’attività più amata al mondo Due esperienze italiane sul podio globale L’enogastronomia è il cavallo di battaglia del Bel Paese
Milano, 18 giugno 2019– TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei premi Travelers’ Choice® Experiences. I premi riconoscono le migliori...
June 18, 2019Skip-the-Line tour of Vatican is #1 experience worldwide; ‘Historical Pub Walking Tour’ ranks #1 in the UK.
LONDON, UK, 18 June, 2019 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Experiences. The awards recognise the world’s...
June 18, 2019~今年の夏、日本人旅行者に人気の旅行先として北海道が 1 位にランクイン! さらに、データーによると 7 月、8 月の平均宿泊費に 41%の差があるところも!~
June 18, 2019Skip-the-Line tour of Vatican is #1 experience worldwide; ‘Whitsundays Jet Ski Tour’ ranks #1 in Australia
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Experiences. The awards recognise the world’s and Australia’s top...
June 13, 2019TripAdvisor s’est penché sur les projets des Français pour leurs vacances d’été : partiront-ils en voyage ? Vers quelles destinations ? Pour combien de temps ? Et cette année, parviendront-ils à déconnecter totalement du travail ?
Paris, le 14 juin 2019 – TripAdvisor®, le plus grand site de voyage au monde, révèle le Top 10 des destinations préférées des Français pour les vacances estivales*. La bien nommée Île...
June 13, 2019Il report di TripAdvisor svela dove andranno gli italiani in vacanza e quali sono le tendenze dell’estate Isola d’Elba prima tra le mete italiane, Creta domina la classifica internazionale Budget in aumento per un italiano su tre Vacanze estive eco responsabili: un quarto dei rispondenti sarà più green
Milano, 13 giugno 2019 – TripAdvisor®,il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del suo Summer Vacation Destinations Report 2019, svelando la Top 10 nazionale e...
June 11, 2019Casi la totalidad de los españoles planea viajar este verano. La mayoría de ellos lo hará a destinos nacionales Tenerife, Benidorm y Mallorca, los lugares más buscados por los viajeros españoles para visitar este verano
Madrid, 11 de junio de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado los resultados de su informe ‘Vacaciones de Verano 2019’, destacando los 10 destinos nacionales...
June 11, 2019~沖縄の『与那覇前浜ビーチ』が日本の 1 位に、ブラジルの『サンチョ湾ビーチ』が世界のベストビーチに!~
June 05, 2019~優れたサービスを提供する日本全国の宿泊施設、観光施設、レストラン 5,673 軒を認定~
May 28, 2019短途旅游热度不减,错峰出行节省预算,伦敦再度成为最受青睐的远途目的地
中国 北京,2019年5月28日 ——...
May 16, 2019Summer Vacation Value Report Also Reveals U.S. Summer Travel Trends
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced its 2019 Summer Vacation Value Report, highlighting the 10 most popular U.S. destinations for this summer, based on hotel booking...
May 15, 2019
May 13, 2019
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP), the world's largest travel site*, announced today that Steve Kaufer, CEO, will present at the 47th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications...
May 09, 2019TripAdvisor révèle sa recette pour une fête des mères réussie !
Paris, le 9 mai 2019 – À l’heure où un grand nombre d’enfants de tous âges commencent à s’interroger sur comment faire plaisir à leur maman le 26 mai prochain, TripAdvisor révèle en...
May 07, 2019
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) issued its first quarter 2019 earnings press release and management's prepared remarks, which are available now at...
May 07, 2019Madri italiane: circa una su due preferisce uscire a mangiare che ricevere fiori per la Festa della Mamma. Più di un quinto degli italiani ha dimenticato almeno una volta di celebrare la ricorrenza
Milano, 7 maggio 2019– Quasi un quarto delle madri Italiane (24%) ha celebrato la Festa della Mamma uscendo per pranzo, cena o brunch nel 2018: è quanto emerge da un’indagine condotta su...
May 03, 2019Casi 9 de cada 10 madres salió a tomar algo para celebrar este día en 2018 La comida española, seguida de la italiana, triunfa en esta fecha
Madrid, 29 de abril de 2019 – Casi un 87% de las madres españolas celebró el Día de la Madre el pasado año saliendo a comer, cenar o tomar el aperitivo, de acuerdo con una encuesta elaborada...
April 30, 2019Family and Friends May Be Overestimating Their Abilities to Wine and Dine Mom on Her Special Day
TripAdvisor®, one of the world's largest restaurant sites, today announced how mom really wants to dine on Mother's Day. A survey of over 7,900 U.S. participants1 revealed telling results: Her...
April 24, 2019• TripAdvisor-Daten zeigen: Fotografie-Touren sind unter Deutschen sehr beliebt • Rankings zu Trendzielen für buchbare Fotoerlebnisse und Top Fotografie-Touren weltweit
München, 24. April 2019 – Das Foto zum Festhalten der schönsten Reisemomente ist wichtiger denn je – allein auf Instagram lassen sich unter dem Hashtag #travelphotography mehr als 67...
April 17, 2019
Milano, 17 aprile 2019– TripAdvisor, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha selezionato una rosa di 10 esperienze tra le più alternative, particolari e divertenti al mondo per chi desidera...
April 16, 2019
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) announced today that it will audiocast a conference call on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to answer questions regarding its first quarter...
April 11, 2019TripAdvisor reveals most-booked photography tours at popular holiday destinations for that perfect shot
If there’s a way to capture the moment, travellers are doing it more than ever before. New data from TripAdvisor Experiences reveals that traveller bookings for photography tours among...
April 09, 2019TripAdvisor präsentiert die Travellers‘ Choice Gewinner für Airlines
München, 9. April 2019 – Die diesjährigen Travellers’ Choice® Gewinner für Fluglinien stehen fest! Wie schon im Vorjahr belegt Singapore Airlines auch 2019 wieder den ersten Platz der...
April 09, 2019Mallorca, Madrid y Tenerife encabezan la lista de los destinos locales más buscados por los españoles, frente a Londres, Lisboa y Oporto, destinos internacionales estrella Incrementa el número de españoles que viajará esta Semana Santa a un 61%
Madrid, 9 de abril de 2019 – La Semana Santa está a la vuelta de la esquina, y más de la mitad de los españoles quieren aprovechar estas fechas para viajar y darse un merecido descanso....
April 09, 2019The most trusted source in travel unveils new "Ship-tinerary" pages for comprehensive cruise planning
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced the launch of a new cruise experience in the U.S. and U.K. TripAdvisor Cruises expands its offering to both new and seasoned...
April 09, 2019
LONDON, UK, 9 April, 2019 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the launch of a new cruise experience in the UK and US. TripAdvisor Cruises expands its offering to...
April 03, 2019Singapore Airlines ocupa el primer puesto en el mundo, Jet2 ha sido galardonada como la primera de Europa y Binter, la primera de España
Madrid, 2 de abril de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy la lista de ganadores de los premios Travellers’ Choice Aerolíneas, identificando las...
April 02, 2019Il verdetto delle recensioni: Singapore Airlines si riconferma la linea aerea #1 al mondo, Air Dolomiti è la più apprezzata in Italia
Milano, 2 aprile 2019 – TripAdvisor®,il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei suoi premi Travelers’ Choice® per le Linee Aeree, che riconoscono le compagnie...
April 02, 2019Singapore Airlines Soars as #1 in the World, Southwest Tops U.S. Ranking for Second Year in a Row
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for Airlines, identifying travelers' favorite carriers around the globe. For 2019,...
April 02, 2019Paris, le 2 avril 2019 – Parce qu’une expérience de vol sereine avec un service et un rapport qualité-prix incomparables sont la clé de la réussite d’un voyage, TripAdvisor® dévoile aujourd’hui son classement des Travellers' Choice® awards des compagnies aériennes plébiscitées par sa communauté internationale de voyageurs. Cette année, 57 compagnies aériennes se voient remettre 91 prix pour leur service exceptionnel, parmi lesquels deux compagnies aériennes françaises : • La Compagnie, élue meilleure compagnie en Europe dans une nouvelle catégorie : Speciality • Air Corsica, élue meilleure compagnie aérienne de France.
Top 10 des compagnies aériennes préférées de la communauté TripAdvisor Singapore Airlines Qatar Airways EVA Air Emirates Japan Airlines (JAL) Southwest Airlines Azul Air New Zealand
April 02, 2019TripAdvisor recognises flyers’ favourite airlines in the world based on reviews
LONDON, UK, 2 April, 2019 – UK airline is today named the best-rated airline in Europe, according to the Travellers’ Choice Awards for airlines, announced by the world’s largest...
April 02, 2019EVA Air is Ranked #3 in the World; Singapore Airlines Takes #1 Spot
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers around the globe. For...
April 02, 2019長榮航空入選全球第三位 新加坡航空為全球最佳航空公司
April 02, 2019Air New Zealand Soars with Six Awards; Singapore Airlines is the World #1
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice awards for Airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers in South Pacific and the...
April 02, 2019Air New Zealand Named Best Airline in South Pacific; Singapore Airlines is the World #1
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice awards for Airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers in Australia and the globe.
April 02, 2019Singapore Airlines Soars as #1 in the World for the Second Consecutive Year
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Airlines, identifying travellers’ favourite carriers around the globe. For...
April 02, 2019~ 世界 1 位は 2 年連続シンガポール航空。日本のベストエアラインは 3 年連続 JAL(日本航空)に!~
April 01, 2019Barcelona, séptima ciudad a nivel mundial y quinta en Europa, y Mallorca y Tenerife, en los puestos 9º y 10º de la lista europea, han sido galardonados entre los lugares favoritos de viajeros de todo el mundo Londres se alza como destino ganador en la lista global, seguido de París y Roma
Madrid, 26 de marzo de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers´ ChoiceTM Destinos, que reconocen los lugares favoritos...
March 27, 2019~子供が楽しめる環境を提供するホテルが多くランクイン!家族旅行に人気のホテルを口コミで確認して、子供が喜ぶ旅を計画~
March 26, 2019TripAdvisor stellt die Travellers‘ Choice Gewinner für Reiseziele 2019 vor – und wie sich diese abseits des Mainstreams entdecken lassen; Royal-Wedding-Effekt beeinflusst die Nummer 1 weltweit, Deutschland-Ranking bildet regionale Vielfalt ab, mit den meisten Gewinnern aus Bayern, NRW, Sachsen
München, 26. März 2019 – Mit ikonischen Schönheiten ist es so eine Sache: sie sind oft allseits beliebt, aber dadurch selten allein zu genießen – Auch das aktuelle Ranking der...
March 26, 2019London Crowned #1 Destination in the World; New York City Tops U.S. Ranking for the Ninth Year
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for Destinations, recognizing the locations that are the most popular among...
March 26, 2019Roma è la terza destinazione più apprezzata al mondo, Londra ruba lo scettro a Parigi e conquista la prima posizione nella Top 10 globale Spagna protagonista in Europa con tre destinazioni nella classifica del Vecchio Continente
Milano, 26 marzo 2019 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori del premio Travelers’ Choice per le Destinazioni 2019, che riconosce i luoghi più...
March 26, 2019• Après le sacre de Paris en 2018, cette année, Londres détrône la ville lumière en se hissant à la première place du classement mondial des Travellers’ Choice® awards des Meilleures Destinations 2019. • Côté Top 10 France, c’est la Corse qui prend la seconde place du podium derrière la capitale, suivi de Nice.
Paris, le 26 mars 2019 – Au sortir de l’hiver et pour fêter l’équinoxe de printemps, il est temps de réfléchir à ses prochains city-breaks ! Pour cela, le classement des Travellers’...
March 26, 2019英国伦敦荣登全球榜首,京港沪旅游热度不减,长沙、深圳强势上榜
March 26, 2019~ 世界の人気観光地 1 位は「ロンドン」。「東京」が日本のランキング 6 年連続1位に ~
March 26, 2019TripAdvisor unveils the world’s best rated destinations in 2019 Travellers’ Choice Awards based on millions of reviews and ratings
LONDON, UK – 26 March, 2019 – London has today been named the best-rated destination in the world in the annual Travellers’ Choice awards for Destinations, announced by TripAdvisor, the world’
March 26, 2019Bali is Asia’s Top Destination for the Second Consecutive Year; London Crowned #1 Destination in the World
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced that London has been named the top destination in the world for 2019. Bali clinched the #1 spot in Asia for the second consecutive...
March 26, 2019Gold Coast Stays at #2; London Crowned #1 Destination in the World
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced Sydney as the winner of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Destinations in Australia and South Pacific. The Gold Coast and...
March 21, 2019Il Trentino Alto Adige è la regione più apprezzata per l’offerta ricettiva I viaggiatori di Stati Uniti, Canada e Austria i maggiori estimatori degli alloggi del Bel Paese, da Spagna, Portogallo e Argentina i più severi
Milano, 21 marzo 2019– TripAdvisor, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i risultati di uno studio sui trend delle recensioni degli alloggi che mostra come il punteggio...
March 20, 2019Los restaurantes de las Islas Canarias, Baleares y Andalucía son los mejor valorados entre los viajeros de de TripAdvisor
Madrid, 19 de marzo de 2019 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy su estudio anual sobre las valoraciones medias obtenidas por los establecimientos españoles en...
March 20, 2019Además, los españoles son los viajeros del mundo que más incrementaron sus reservas de tours fotográficos, un +189% en 2018 con respecto a 2017
Madrid, 12 de marzo de 2019 – Si hay una manera de capturar el momento, los viajeros lo están haciendo más que nunca. Solo en Instagram, el hashtag #travelphotography muestra más de 67...
March 19, 2019TripAdvisor旅程功能 曼谷、清邁景點通通一把抓
March 18, 2019Les réservations d'expériences photo font un bond de + 129 % en France et + 491 % dans le Monde depuis 2015.
Paris, le 18 mars 2019 - Plus que jamais, la photo occupe une place de choix au quotidien, et c’est encore plus vrai lorsqu’il s’agit du secteur du tourisme. Ainsi, sur Instagram par...
March 13, 2019Werbelösung zur Platzierung von Anzeigen „ganz oben in der Suchliste“ hat sich bewährt, Hoteliers schätzen Flexibilität bei Budget und Benutzerfreundlichkeit
Ab sofort können alle Unterkünfte, die Preise und die Verfügbarkeit auf TripAdvisor teilen, Sponsored Placements nutzen Die neuen Funktionen ermöglichen es Unterkunftsinhabern, Reisende zu...
March 13, 2019
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced that Betsy L. Morgan and Trynka Shineman Blake were elected to TripAdvisor's board of directors. TripAdvisor president and CEO Stephen Kaufer...
March 12, 2019~ 年間契約も不要で、料金と空室状況を掲載するすべての宿泊施設が利用可能に。さらに、ターゲットを絞ったり、広告時期を柔軟に変更したりできる新機能も追加 ~
March 11, 2019TripAdvisor stellt den Trendreport für Erlebnisse 2019 vor; besonders gefragt: Familien-, Wassersport- und Outdoor-Aktivitäten; bei internationale Reisenden stehen zudem Workshops und Wellness hoch im Kurs
München, 11. März 2019 – Welche Unternehmungen sind unter Reisende beliebt? Das zeigt der aktuelle Trendreport für Erlebnisse° von TripAdvisor®, der weltweit größten Reise-Website*. Auf...
March 11, 2019
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, today announced that Kanika Soni will join the company as president of the hotels business unit, effective April 15. In this role, Soni will...
March 05, 2019- Owners already using Sponsored Placements love the self-service flexibility of budget and spend
TripAdvisor today announced the global rollout of Sponsored Placements, making the site's advertising solution available to any accommodation business who shares live rates and availability with...
March 05, 2019
Milano, 5 marzo 2018– TripAdvisor ha annunciato oggi il lancio globale di Inserzioni Sponsorizzate rendendo la soluzione adv del sito accessibile a qualunque alloggio che condivide tariffe e...
March 05, 2019• La flexibilidad de la gestión de los presupuestos y del gasto es una de las ventajas que disfrutan los propietarios que ya han usado los Espacios Patrocinados • La plataforma está disponible para todos los alojamientos que comparten tarifas y disponibilidad en TripAdvisor • Las nuevas funciones de Espacios Patrocinados ofrecen a los propietarios la posibilidad de centrarse en los viajeros que buscan estancias de fin de semana o de entre semana, además de permitirles hacer una "pausa" y seleccionar una nueva fecha para reiniciar campaña • Esta herramienta ayuda a los hoteleros a captar el interés de los viajeros y a atraer tráfico relevante a sus negocios
Madrid, 5 de marzo 2019.- – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy el lanzamiento global de Espacios Patrocinados, una solución web de publicidad destinada a...
March 05, 2019Las playas de La Concha y Ses Illetes, reconocidas por los viajeros entre las mejores del mundo con la 4ª y 13ª posición respectivamente de un listado de 25 playas a nivel global
Madrid, 26 de febrero de 2019.- – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, anuncia hoy a los ganadores de sus premios Travelers' Choice® Playas 2019. En esta edición de los premios,...
March 05, 2019• Désormais, tous les hébergements qui partagent leurs tarifs et leurs disponibilités sur TripAdvisor peuvent générer plus de trafic avec les Résultats sponsorisés TripAdvisor. • Appréciée pour sa souplesse dans la gestion des campagnes et des dépenses, la solution Résultats sponsorisés s’enrichit de nouvelles fonctionnalités permettant aux hôteliers de cibler les voyageurs à la recherche de séjours en semaine ou en fin de semaine, et de faire une « pause » en sélectionnant une date de redémarrage de leur campagne. • Les hôteliers peuvent ainsi capter l'intérêt des voyageurs et attirer un trafic hautement qualifié vers leur hébergement au moment où ils en ont le plus besoin.
Paris, le 5 mars 2019 - TripAdvisor annonce aujourd'hui le déploiement mondial de sa solution publicitaire Résultats sponsorisés pour tous les hébergements qui partagent leurs tarifs et leurs...
February 26, 2019TripAdvisor stellt die Travellers‘ Choice Gewinner für Strände vor; Küstenabschnitte in Schleswig-Holstein sahnen in Deutschland ab, weltweit liegen Strände aus Brasilien, der Karibik und Südeuropa hoch im Kurs
München, 26. Februar 2019 – Er fehlt auf keiner Urlaubs-Postkarte und steht für den Sehnsuchtsort schlechthin: Der Strand. Welche Plätze am Meer unter Reisenden besonders gefragt sind,...
February 26, 2019La plage Baia do Sancho au Brésil reprend la tête du palmarès Monde des plus belles plages des Travellers’ Choice® Awards 2019. En France, la première place revient à la Plage de la Palombaggia en Corse.
Paris, le 26 février 2019 - Il fait gris, il pleut, il neige, c’est l’hiver… et le printemps est encore loin ! Pourtant, c’est le moment ou jamais de basculer en mode paréo, sable chaud...
February 26, 2019Florida's Clearwater Beach Draws a Line in the Sand at #1 for the Second Consecutive Year
TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for Beaches. For the second year in a row, Florida's Clearwater Beach is named the...
February 26, 2019TripAdvisor reveals world’s best beaches in annual TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards
LONDON, UK. – 26 February 2019 – Bournemouth Beach in Dorset is named the best-rated beach in the UK, in the Travellers’ Choice® awards for Beaches, announced today by TripAdvisor. Not just...
February 26, 2019巴西桑乔湾海滩获得全球榜单首位 印度Radhanagar海滩荣登亚洲榜首
中国 北京...
February 26, 2019La Spiaggia dei Conigli è la seconda spiaggia più bella d’Europa, settima al mondo e prima in Italia La Sardegna domina la classifica nazionale con 5 spiagge premiate su 10
Milano, 26 febbraio 2019 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice®Beaches Awards 2019. Baio do Sancho in...