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  • October 08, 2015
    Trentino Alto Adige, Valle d’Aosta e Umbria le regioni italiane che vantano il punteggio medio più alto su TripAdvisor

    Milano, 8 ottobre 2015 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande del mondo*, ha annunciato oggi i risultati di uno studio sui trend delle recensioni che mostra come il punteggio medio delle...

  • October 08, 2015

    Needham, Mass. (Oct. 8, 2015) –TripAdvisor (NASDAQ: TRIP) today announced that Ernst Teunissen will join the company as chief financial officer, effective November 9th. Teunissen will oversee...

  • October 05, 2015
    Estudo feito pelo TripAdvisor, TripIndex, revela o valor de uma diária em 15 cidades brasileiras e nas capitais da América Latina

    São Paulo, 5 de outubro de 2015 – Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte e Goiânia são os destinos turísticos com o melhor custo-benefício de hospedagem no Brasil, revela o TripIndex América Latina,...

  • October 01, 2015

    São Paulo, outubro de 2015 – O TripAdvisor®, maior site de viagens do mundo *, anuncia o lançamento do aplicativo TripAdvisor para Apple TV. Esta é a primeira vez que a empresa desenvolve um...

  • September 30, 2015
    La mayor web de viajes del mundo también muestra los diez hoteles de España más respetuosos con el medio ambiente, con las Islas Canarias y Cataluña entre las comunidades con más propiedades destacadas en el listado

    Madrid, 24 de septiembre 2015 –La mayor web de viajes del mundo*, TripAdvisor®, ha anunciado hoy los resultados de su encuesta de viajes que reveló cómo son de conscientes con el medio...

  • September 30, 2015
    Le Case Vacanza segnano un sostanziale picco nelle richieste di alloggi in affitto durante la Festa del Cinema di Roma

    Milano, 30 settembre 2015 – TripAdvisor Case Vacanza, che conta più di 720.000 case vacanza nel mondo, di cui oltre 8.000 a Roma, riporta oggi la registrazione di un picco nella domanda di...

  • September 30, 2015
    Museu em Recife também está entre os top 20 do mundo de acordo com os usuários do TripAdvisor

    São Paulo, 30 de setembro de 2015 – O TripAdvisor®, maior site de viagens do mundo, anuncia hoje o prêmio global Travelers’ Choice™ Museus. No total, são 591 ganhadores, incluindo os 25...

  • September 25, 2015


  • September 24, 2015
    Stowe, Vermont #1 for Leaf Viewing, Based on Feedback from the World’s Largest Travel Community

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 24, 2015 – TripAdvisor ®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the top 10 destinations for viewing fall foliage, based on the quality and quantity of...

  • September 23, 2015

    München, 23. September 2015 – Umweltbewusst nicht nur zuhause, sondern auch auf Reisen: Wer auf einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil Wert legt, findet mit der aktuellen TripAdvisor®-Liste an grünen...

  • September 22, 2015
    Il portale di viaggi più grande al mondo svela le tariffe per soggiornare a Monaco e dintorni durante l’Oktoberfest e i consigli di un utente locale sulle attrazioni imperdibili della città

    Milano, 22 settembre 2015 – Circa sei milioni di visitatori sono attratti ogni anno da una delle più importanti feste folkloristiche al mondo: l'Oktoberfest (19 settembre - 4 ottobre 2015)....

  • September 18, 2015


  • September 17, 2015

    中国–北京 2015年9月17日——全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor®(官方中文名:猫途鹰)公布了“2015年旅行者之选:全球25大博物馆榜单”,该榜单是基于过去12个月内全球千万TripAdvisor用户针对博物馆所提交的点评的内容与数量计算而来,统计范围包括亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲及大洋洲等地区,所反映的是全球游客在过去一年里对于世界各大博物馆的喜爱程度和最为直观的游览体验。

  • September 17, 2015

    NEEDHAM, Mass. – September 17, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the appointment of Beth Grous to the position of chief people officer. In the new role,...

  • September 15, 2015
    El Museo del Prado y el Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, en Madrid han sido galardonados un año más a nivel internacional, destacando el Prado en el 4º puesto mundial.

    Madrid, 15 de septiembre 2015 –TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo*, ha anunciado hoy a los ganadores de lospremios Travellers´ ChoiceTM Museos de todo el mundo. En total, 591...

  • September 15, 2015
    -- 『広島平和記念資料館』がアジアの博物館・美術館で 3 位に、日本から 4 施設がランクイン!日本のランキングは 7 施設が初のトップ 10 入り --


  • September 15, 2015
    UK museums win more awards than any other European country

    London has cause for celebration today as it’s revealed that the capital boasts five of the UK’s ten best rated museums in the 2015 Travellers’ Choice awards for Museums, four of which are...

  • September 15, 2015
    Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze domina il podio nazionale; Firenze e Torino le città italiane più premiate; Il vincitore mondiale è il Metropolitan Museum of Art a New York City

    Milano, 15 settembre 2015 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo*, annuncia oggi i premi Travelers’ Choice™ Musei nel mondo, insieme ai migliori consigli dei contributori...

  • September 15, 2015
    New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art #1 on Global List; World’s Largest Travel Site Identifies Great Hotels to Book for a Museum Trip

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 15, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced its Travelers’ Choice™ awards for museums around the globe, top tips from contributors...

  • September 14, 2015
    Feature Fully Rolled Out on Desktop and Mobile for U.S. and U.K. Users; More Travellers Can Now Conveniently Plan, Compare and Book Hotels on TripAdvisor

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced it has completed the launch of instant booking for hotels across all U.S. and U.K. platforms. Gradually rolled out in the U.S....

  • September 14, 2015
    Feature Fully Rolled Out on Desktop and Mobile for U.S. and U.K. Users;

    NEEDHAM, Mass. – September 14, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced it has completed the launch of instant booking for hotels across all U.S. and U.K....

  • September 14, 2015
    TripAdvisor to Send One Lucky Winner on a Travelers’ Choice Trip of a Lifetime to Marrakech, Siem Reap, Istanbul, Hanoi, or Prague

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 14, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the launch of a new competition to uncover the best travel discoveries TripAdvisor users...

  • September 14, 2015
    Estudo do TripAdvisor revela aumento a satisfação de viajantes globais com estabelecimentos no País

    São Paulo, 14 de setembro de 2015 – O TripAdvisor®, maior site de viagens do mundo*, anuncia hoje um estudo que revela que a média de notas das acomodações brasileiras no TripAdvisor...

  • September 10, 2015
    神秘、奢华、古典 这个秋天一网打尽

    中国–北京 2015年9月10日——厌倦了连锁酒店的千篇一律?不放心民宿的安全问题?那就来试试古堡酒店吧!全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor®(官方中文名:猫途鹰)近日揭晓了“2015年全球最佳十大古堡酒店榜单”。该榜单是基于TripAdvisor全球千万用户的点评反馈汇总而来,其中既有充满中世纪风情的欧洲古堡,也有异域色彩浓厚的非洲古堡,保证让怀揣探索精神的旅行者过足瘾。

  • September 10, 2015


  • September 10, 2015
    Off-Roading Adventures, Tantalizing Tastings, and Boat Excursions Prove Popular with World’s Largest Travel Community

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 10, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the top 10 tours across the U.S., based on the quality and quantity of reviews and...

  • September 09, 2015
    TripAdvisor stellt acht Schloss- und Burghotels in Deutschland mit attraktiven Buchungsoptionen vor

    München, 8. September 2015 – Sich wie ein König oder eine Prinzessin fühlen – wer möchte das nicht? TripAdvisor® hat eine Auswahl der beliebtesten Schloss- und Burghotels in Deutschland°...

  • September 09, 2015
    Puglia, Sardegna e Friuli Venezia Giulia sul podio italiano del risparmio

    Milano, 9 settembre 2015 – TripAdvisor®, che conta più di 720.000 case vacanza nel mondo, di cui oltre 90.000 in Italia, rivela oggi che i viaggiatori possono risparmiare fino al 28%...

  • September 07, 2015

    中国–北京 2015年9月7日——全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor® (官方中文名:猫途鹰) 于苏州金鸡湖景区举办了“2015年TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)卓越奖”获奖业者颁奖仪式,出席本次仪式的旅游业者包括留园、虎丘、拙政园等在内的29家景点、酒店、餐厅代表以及昆山、吴江两地的获奖业者。今年苏州获奖商户数量较去年增加13家,同时海外用户对于TripAdvisor全球站点上苏州旅游页面的关注度[1]也较去年同比增长198%,这都彰显了苏州旅游局在全球范围内推广当地旅游资源所取得的突出成效。

  • September 03, 2015
    -- 田んぼアートが人気の「道の駅いなかだて」が 1 位に --


  • September 01, 2015
    ~日本各地への興味を喚起し、訪日外国人客に対して ANA 国内線を利用した地方分散を促す~


  • September 01, 2015
    TripAdvisor gives the inside scoop on the best rated castles in the UK and across Europe that you can actually stay in

    Ever fancied sleeping like royalty and laying down your head for the night in an actual castle? Well it is possible and you don’t need to be a king or queen to do it, as TripAdvisor can today...

  • September 01, 2015
    Il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo mostra anche il mese autunnale ideale per prenotare un soggiorno in queste strutture

    Milano, 1 settembre 2015 – Siete appassionati di storia? Vi siete mai chiesti come sarebbe soggiornare in un castello? È il momento di scoprirlo! TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande al...

  • September 01, 2015
    Pesquisa do TripAdvisor mostra que 1 em cada 3 brasileiros pretende fazer escolhas sustentáveis nos próximos 12 meses

    São Paulo, setembro de 2015 – O TripAdvisor, maior site de viagens do mundo, anuncia hoje os resultados de sua pesquisa1sobre viagens sustentáveis que aponta que 1 em cada três brasileiros...

  • August 26, 2015

    中国–北京 2015年8月26日——全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor (官方中文名:猫途鹰) 宣布 “全球点评志愿翻译工程” 正式更新上线,目标年翻译100万条最新、最有价值的英文点评内容,针对中文用户持续优化阅读体验。本次更新内容包括:新版翻译云平台、更多内容翻译种类、设立专属微信公众号等。作为TripAdvisor (猫途鹰)中国战略升级的重要部分之一,该工程目前已经招募一万多名志愿者参与,旨在把TripAdvisor全球最新、最有价值的旅游点评内容进行中文本土化,从而更好的服务日渐庞大的中国出境游用户群体。

  • August 26, 2015
    -- 1 位には 3 年連続「熊本城」がランクイン!不動の人気ぶりを証明 --

    世界最大の旅行口コミサイト「TripAdvisor®」の日本法人であるトリップアドバイザー株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷 区、日本語サイト

  • August 26, 2015
    A Roma il vincitore nazionale, Lazio la regione più premiata

    MILANO, 26 agosto 2015 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di viaggi più grande al mondo*, ha annunciato oggi i 10 ristoranti più apprezzati d’Italia in cui gustare un hamburger in vero stile USA,...

  • August 25, 2015
    TripAdvisor präsentiert zehn Lieblings-Pizzerien der Reise-Community in Deutschland

    München, 25. August 2015 – Ob Holzofen, dünner Boden oder dicker Belag: Pizza steht bei vielen auf der Liste der Leibspeisen kann weit oben. Wohin aber, wenn der Lieblings-Italiener...

  • August 25, 2015

    Everyone loves the cheesy, tomato, doughy goodness that is one of the nation’s favourite meals – the humble pizza. Whether you’re a lover of a topping stacked deep dish or prefer a more...

  • August 19, 2015
    La mayor web de viajes del mundo también muestra cuáles son los mejores meses de este otoño para reservar en algunos establecimientos

    Madrid, 19 de agosto de 2015 – ¿Eres un apasionado de la historia? ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez cómo sería alojarse en un castillo? ¡Ahora es tu oportunidad! TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de...

  • August 19, 2015
    Fonab Castle Hotel in Pitlochry, Scotland Reigns Supreme at #1

    NEEDHAM, Mass., August 19, 2015 -- TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the top 10 castle hotels in the world, based on the quality and quantity of reviews and...

  • August 18, 2015
    TripAdvisor’s TripIndex reveals the price of a three-night break in twenty UK cities over the August bank holiday weekend

    18 August 2015: Sheffield offers the best value UK city break over the August bank holiday weekend, according to TripIndex UK Cities, an annual TripAdvisor cost comparison study. TripIndex UK...

  • August 13, 2015
    TripAdvisor präsentiert Hotelraten in und um München zum Oktoberfest Sparpotenzial im Münchner Umland mit regionalem Charme Tipps von einem Einheimischen: die schönsten Orte in der Stadt

    München, 13. August 2015 – Rund sechs Millionen Besucher zieht es Jahr für Jahr auf das größte Volksfest der Welt. Eine der wichtigsten Fragen für Reisende aus dem In- und Ausland: Wo gibt...

  • August 11, 2015
    Harborwalk Scoops & Bites Ice Cream in Punta Gorda, Florida is #1 in America

    NEEDHAM, Mass., August 11, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the top 10 ice cream shops in the U.S., based on the quality and quantity of reviews and...

  • August 10, 2015

    Paris, 10 août 2015 – TripAdvisor®, le plus grand site de voyage au monde, révèle aujourd’hui son classement des 10 meilleurs glaciers de France*. A la mer comme à la ville, tout le monde...

  • August 05, 2015

    July may have been a bit of a wash out but with at least another month of summer left, we’re ever optimistic that the UK will be basking in sunshine once again! We all love a gloriously sunny...

  • August 03, 2015
    Awards Highlight Travellers’ Top Products and Services Based on Feedback from the TripAdvisor Community

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the winners of its annual Travellers’ Choice awards for TravelFavourites, highlighting the top products and services that help...

  • August 01, 2015
    Estudo do TripAdvisor revela a opinião de seus usuários sobre viagens de avião

    São Paulo, agosto de 2015 - O TripAdvisor®, maior site de viagens do mundo*, anuncia os resultados da terceira edição da pesquisa Air Travel Survey sobre viagens de avião. Realizado com...

  • July 29, 2015
    TripAdvisor svela quando e dove i viaggiatori troveranno ancora disponibilità di case vacanza in agosto

    Milano, 29 luglio 2015 – TripAdvisor®, con oltre 90.000 case vacanza in Italia, rivela le destinazioni dove chi, prenotando una casa vacanza all’ultimo minuto per scelta o per necessità,...

  • July 29, 2015
    Chicago Goes Deep to Win Traveler Recognition as Top City for a Slice

    NEEDHAM, Mass., July 29, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today revealed the top 10 U.S. cities and restaurants for pizza, based on the quality and quantity of reviews...

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