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  • June 26, 2018
    La prima edizione del riconoscimento premia i migliori tour e attività In Italia l’esperienza più apprezzata al mondo Cultura, natura ed enogastronomia i cavalli di battaglia del Bel Paese

    Milano, 26 giugno 2018– TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori della prima edizione dei premi Travelers’ Choice® Experiences. I...

  • June 26, 2018
    Sydney BridgeClimb also ranks #4 Worldwide

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced Sydney BridgeClimb as the winner of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice® awards for Experiences in Australia. It also clinched...

  • June 26, 2018
    Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo #1 Tour in Asia

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the Bangkok by Night: Temples, Markets and Food by Tuk-Tuk as the winner of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice® awards for...

  • June 26, 2018
    Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo #1 Tour in Asia

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the Singapore Zoo Tour with Transfer and Optional Breakfast with Orangutans as the winner of its first-ever Travellers’ Choice®

  • June 26, 2018
    上位 3 位は、カート、フクロウカフェ、お料理教室!日本人には馴染みのない体験も複数ランクイン!


  • June 25, 2018
    TripAdvisor livre son Top des destinations bien-être à travers le monde Bali, en tête du classement pour une retraite bien être réussie Inde, Arizona, Suisse ou encore Australie : les meilleures destinations bien-être ne sont pas toujours celles auxquelles on pense pour l’été !

    Paris, le 26 juin 2018 - Dans un monde hyper connecté où le quotidien bat son plein à un rythme effréné, il devient primordial de s’accorder une pause de bien-être rien que pour soi. Pour...

  • June 21, 2018
    I professionisti italiani dell’ospitalità puntano sull’online: il 96% darà priorità alla reputazione online e il 77% si concentrerà sulle prenotazioni online

    Milano, 21 giugno 2018 – TripAdvisorha annunciato oggi i risultati del Sondaggio sul settore dell’ospitalità, un’indagine volta a comprendere le problematiche, le sfide e le opportunità...

  • June 21, 2018
    For the first time ever, travellers can experience the world’s most-booked attraction in quiet solitude before sunrise

    TripAdvisor, the world’s largest provider of bookable experiences, is giving travellers a look at its new ‘Waking up the Vatican’ tour. For the first time, travellers can experience the...

  • June 20, 2018
    El nuevo Informe del Sector de la Hospitalidad ha encuestado a 2.395 propietarios en todo el mundo, con 540 participantes españoles. Los propietarios de negocios de hostelería coinciden en aumentar su foco en el marketing online y atención al cliente

    Madrid, 19 de junio de 2018 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) ha anunciado hoy los resultados del Informe del Sector de la Hospitalidad, un estudio sobre las cuestiones más urgentes, los...

  • June 20, 2018

    中国 北京,2018年6月20日 ——旅游平台猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)今日公布了2018年中国游客暑期出境游的10大热门目的地及当地酒店价格趋势。基于猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)中文网站和APP海外目的地访问及当地酒店预订意向数据发现,今年暑期(7月及8月)中国游客出境游热度呈增长趋势,且短途目的地更受欢迎,如日本、泰国的多个旅游目的地均受到高度关注,远途目的地中最热门的则是英国伦敦。

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