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  • April 03, 2012
    Siegern der „Creative Ad Challenge 2012“ winken Mediabudgets in Höhe von 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar

    München, 29. März 2012 – TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, lädt Unternehmen aus der Reisebranche und Werbeagenturen zum Kreativ-Wettbewerb „Creative Ad Challenge 2012“...

  • April 03, 2012
    Travelers‘ Choice Familienhotel Awards basieren auf Bewertungen und Meinungen von Millionen Reisenden

    München – 3. April 2012 – TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, gibt die Gewinner der Travelers‘ Choice Familienhotel Awards 2012 bekannt. In diesem Jahr wurden 504 bei...

  • April 03, 2012
    Awards Honor Family-Friendly Properties Worldwide, According to Reviews and Opinions from Millions of Travelers

    TripAdvisor(®), the world's largest travel site*, today announced its 2012 Travelers' Choice(® )award-winning Hotels for Families. This year, 504 top family-friendly properties were recognized...

  • April 03, 2012


  • April 02, 2012
    España también dispone de ocho hoteles galardonados entre el Top 25 de Europa

    Madrid, 3 de abril de 2012. – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de los premios Travellers´ Choice Hoteles para Familias 2012. Estos galardones...

  • April 02, 2012

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP) announced today that it will release its first quarter 2012 financial results after market close on Tuesday, May 1, 2012. On that day, the company will hold a...

  • March 30, 2012
    TripIndex prend en compte le prix d’une nuit d’un hôtel à proximité, l’entrée du parc et les repas

    Paris, France - le 30 mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, lance aujourd’hui, pour la première fois, TripIndex Parcs d’attractions, un comparatif des prix en...

  • March 29, 2012
    Registration is now Open for an April Master Class Featuring Tested Tips for Maintaining a Positive Online Reputation and Encouraging More Direct Bookings

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, today announced that it will be hosting a free master class event at the Rosewood Hotel Georgia on Tuesday, April 17, offering hotel industry...

  • March 29, 2012
    Registration is now open for an April Master Class Featuring Tested Tips for Maintaining a Positive Online Reputation and Encouraging More Direct Bookings

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, today announced that it will be hosting a free master class event at the InterContinental Los Angeles Century City on Thursday, April 19, offering...

  • March 28, 2012

    Paris, France – 28 Mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, lance aux marques de voyage et aux agences de publicité le défi de concevoir une campagne publicitaire...

  • March 28, 2012

    Milano, 28 Marzo, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande del mondo*, ha lanciato oggi la sua “sfida” ai brand di viaggio e alle agenzie pubblicitarie: in palio...

  • March 28, 2012
    46 Percent of U.S. TripAdvisor Travelers Surveyed Planning a Rental Home Stay this Year Compared to 40 Percent in 2011

    TripAdvisor(®), the world's largest travel site*, today announced the results of its third annual vacation rentals survey of more than 1,200 U.S. TripAdvisor travelers, revealing an increased...

  • March 27, 2012

    Paris, France - 27 Mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, annonce aujourd'hui la nomination de Jenny Rushmore au poste de Directrice, voyage responsable. Dans ce rôle...

  • March 27, 2012

    LONDON, UK – 27 March 2012 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announces the appointment of Jenny Rushmore to the position of director, responsible travel. In the...

  • March 27, 2012

    Milano, 27 Marzo 2012 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande del mondo*, ha annunciato oggi la nomina di Jenny Rushmore nel ruolo di Direttore della nuova divisione Viaggi...

  • March 27, 2012

    Milano, 27 Marzo 2012 – TripAdvisor® – il più grande sito di recensioni di viaggio al mondo* - ha condotto una ricerca1 per stabilire in quali città del Belpaese costa meno una corsa in...

  • March 27, 2012

    München – 27. März 2012 – Jenny Rushmore übernimmt den Posten „Director of Responsible Travel“ bei der weltweit größten Reise-Website* TripAdvisor®. In Zukunft erhalten...

  • March 27, 2012

    Madrid, 27 de marzo de 2012. – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy el nombramiento de Jenny Rushmore como directora de turismo sostenible. Desde este puesto de...

  • March 27, 2012

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site, today announced the appointment of Jenny Rushmore to the position of director, responsible travel. In the newly-created role, Rushmore is charged...

  • March 23, 2012
    Arles a connu une importante baisse de 34%**

    Paris, France – le 23 mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, révèle que les tarifs des hôtels de plusieurs destinations européennes ont chuté de manière...

  • March 23, 2012

    London, UK. - 23 March, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, is challenging travel brands and advertising agencies to design a creative ad campaign that will run on...

  • March 22, 2012
    In alcune fra le più popolari destinazioni europee la flessione nei costi di pernottamento in hotel supera il 42%.

    Milano, 22 Marzo 2012 — TripAdvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande del mondo, ha reso noto che nell’ultimo anno molte fra le destinazioni europee più note hanno registrato...

  • March 22, 2012
    Pia Schratzenstaller ist neue Pressesprecherin und Senior Media Relations Managerin / Aletta Hofmann startet als Media Relations Executive / Agenturunterstützung weiterhin durch LoeschHundLiepold Kommunikation

    München, 22. März 2012– Pia Schratzenstaller (31) und Aletta Hofmann (30) bilden seit 5. März 2012 das neue Media Relations-Team der weltweit größten Reise-Website* TripAdvisor® für den...

  • March 21, 2012
    App Features widest selection of seat maps and flyer recommendations, the powerful TripAdvisor Flight Search engine, and real-time flight status alerts

    LONDON, UK. — 21 March, 2012 — SeatGuru®, the ultimate guide to air travel, today announces its first mobile app for the iPhone. The free app features SeatGuru’s extensive collection of...

  • March 21, 2012
    Städtereisen stehen zu Ostern hoch im Kurs

    München, 14. März 2012 – TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, hat ihre deutschen Nutzer nach deren Urlaubsplänen für die Ostertage befragt¹: 42 Prozent der 610...

  • March 21, 2012
    Hotelpreise sinken in europäischen Top-Destinationen bis zu 42 Prozent

    München, 20. März 2012 – Gute Nachrichten für alle, die über Ostern verreisen wollen: Im europäischen Ausland sind Hotelübernachtungen günstiger geworden. TripAdvisor®, die weltweit...

  • March 20, 2012
    App Features Widest Selection of Seat Maps and Flyer Recommendations, the Powerful TripAdvisor Flight Search Engine, and Real-Time Flight Status Alerts

    SeatGuru®, the ultimate guide to air travel, today announces its first mobile app for the iPhone. The free app features SeatGuru's extensive collection of color-coded airplane seat maps -- over...

  • March 20, 2012
    Estos descuentos se encuentran entre el 28% y el 18% con respecto a los precios de 2011

    Madrid, 20 de marzo, 2012.- TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha revelado hoy las importantes caídas de precios en tarifas hoteleras que han experimentado un número de destinos...

  • March 16, 2012

    Paris, France – le 16 mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, a remporté hier soir le prix, Avis de voyageurs, lors de la cérémonie des Travel d’Or 2012 qui...

  • March 16, 2012

    Madrid, 15 de marzo, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy el ranking de los 3 restaurantes, hoteles y lugares de interés más recomendados en Castilla León,...

  • March 16, 2012

    Madrid, 15 de marzo de 2012.-TripAdvisor® ha anunciado hoy que sus apps móviles y City Guides han sido reconocidas por los eAwards 2012 en la categoría de Innovación. Estos premios se entregan...

  • March 16, 2012


  • March 13, 2012
    Además, en Europa, París, Roma y Lisboa son los principales destinos en los que los españoles buscan propiedades en alquiler para sus vacaciones

    Madrid, 13 de marzo, 2012.- El alquiler vacacional, una modalidad de alojamiento que tradicionalmente cuenta con numerosos adeptos en nuestro país, va cobrando cada vez mayor relevancia,...

  • March 12, 2012
    TripAdvisor Umfrage zu Ausstattung und Service auf Reisen

    München, 7. März 2012 – Ausstattungs- und Serviceangebote sind deutschen Hotelgästen besonders wichtig. Fast jeder zweite Hotelgast (49 Prozent) hat schon einmal eine Zimmerreservierung...

  • March 07, 2012
    Porto Vecchio est la plus belle plage de France pour la deuxième année consécutive

    Paris, France – 7 mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, dévoile pour la seconde année consécutive les résultats du Travellers’ Choice Beach Destinations 2012...

  • March 07, 2012
    TripAdvisor reveals the UK’s and Europe’s best beaches

    LONDON, UK. – 7 March, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announces the winners of its second annual Travellers’ Choice® Beach Destinations awards. Bournemouth...

  • March 07, 2012

    Milano, 7 Marzo 2012 – TripAdvisor® – il più grande sito di recensioni di viaggio al mondo* - ha annunciato oggi i vincitori 2012 dei Traveller’s Choice® Beaches Destinations Awards. Sono...

  • March 07, 2012

    Milano, 7 Marzo 2012 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande del mondo*, ha annunciato oggi di essere diventato anche la più grande community di viaggio del Pianeta,...

  • March 07, 2012
    TripAdvisor verkündet Ergebnisse des Travelers‘ Choice Awards „Beach Destinations“ 2012

    München, 7. März 2012 – TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, veröffentlicht die Gewinner des Travelers‘ Choice Awards 2012 für die besten Strand-Destinationen. Im...

  • March 07, 2012
    TripAdvisor Industry Index: Die deutsche Hotelbranche ist die profitabelste im TripAdvisor Report / Die Mehrheit der Unternehmen plant Gäste über mobile Endgeräte anzusprechen

    München, 7. März 2012 – TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP), die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, hat heute die Ergebnisse seines jährlichen TripAdvisor Industry Index – eine der weltweit...

  • March 07, 2012
    Best Beach Spots in the U.S. and World Recognized Based on Opinions from Millions of Travelers

    TripAdvisor(®), the world's largest travel site*, today announced the winners of its annual 2012 Travelers' Choice(®) Beach Destinations awards. One hundred eighty-one top beach locations were...

  • March 06, 2012
    TripAdvisor est le plus grand site social de voyage au monde

    Paris, France - 6 Mars 2012 : TripAdvisor™, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'il est aussi le plus grand site social de voyage au monde. À ce jour, plus de 100...

  • March 06, 2012
    TripAdvisor is the World’s Largest Social Travel Website

    LONDON, UK. – March 6, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced that it is also the world’s largest social travel site. To date, more than 100 million...

  • March 06, 2012
    TripAdvisor ist die weltweit größte sozial vernetzte Reise-Website

    München, 6. März 2012– TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, ist ab sofort auch die weltweit größte sozial vernetzte Reise-Website. Über 100 Millionen Reisende profitieren...

  • March 06, 2012
    TripAdvisor es actualmente la mayor web social de viajes del mundo

    Madrid, de 6 de marzo de 2012.- TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo*, ha anunciado hoy que se ha convertido también en la mayor web social de viajes del mundo. Actualmente, más de...

  • March 06, 2012
    Además, España se cuela por primera vez en el ranking de Top 25 Mejores Destinos de Playa del Mundo con Puerto Alcudia, en Mallorca.

    Madrid, 7 de marzo de 2012.- TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo*, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios anuales Travellers´ Choice Destinos de Playa 2012, entre los cuales se...

  • March 05, 2012
    TripAdvisor is the World's Largest Social Travel Website

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, today announced that it is also the world's largest social travel site. To date, more than 100 million travelers have received a personalized...

  • March 05, 2012
    TripAdvisor Umfrage zum Thema Nachrichtenkonsum im Urlaub

    München, 1. März 2012 – Auch im Urlaub möchten 89 Prozent der Deutschen über das aktuelle Weltgeschehen informiert bleiben. Während der Fernseher die beliebteste Informationsquelle ist,...

  • March 05, 2012
    World's Largest Travel Site to Supply Traveler Reviews and Opinions to World's Largest Hotel Company

    TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIP), the world's largest travel site*, today announced a new partnership with Wyndham Hotel Group, the world's largest hotel company with over 7,200 hotels. Through...

  • March 01, 2012
    79% des Français interrogés suivent l’actualité pendant leurs vacances 1 Français sur 2 suit l’actualité française

    Paris, France – le 1 mars 2012 : Si les vacances sont l’occasion de se couper de son quotidien et de faire une pause salvatrice, la Terre ne s’arrête pas de tourner pour autant et...

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