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  • May 29, 2009

    Madrid, 26 de mayo de 2009.- TripAdvisor, la mayor comunidad de viajeros en el mundo, da a conocer el listado de las diez mejores playas de España, y de las diez mejores de Europa, según un...

  • May 29, 2009
    Recognized for Philanthropic Initiative and Social Media Savvy

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, has won a gold Halo Award, American cause marketing's highest honor. TripAdvisor won the "Best Use of Social Media" category...

  • May 28, 2009
    Ranks Best Hotels for Business and Surfaces Business Traveler Reviews on 20,000+ Hotels in 750+ Cities Worldwide

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced the launch of its innovative Business Travel Center, a full service business trip planning resource covering...

  • May 26, 2009
    Berlin, die unprätentiöse Metropole London hat die schlechtesten Restaurants , Rom die attraktivsten Einwohner Brüssel ist das langweiligste Urlaubsziel, Pariser sind unfreundlich – aber sie sind am besten gekleidet

    Frankfurt am Main, 22. Mai 2009 – Die Mitglieder der weltweit größten und beliebtesten Reisecommunity TripAdvisor® haben abgestimmt: Die Ergebnisse der diesjährigen European Cities Survey...

  • May 26, 2009
    TripAdvisor Survey Shows 65% Likely to Travel to a Popular Hurricane-Susceptible Destination this Summer or Fall for "Significant Savings"

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced the results of its annual hurricane survey of more than 1,000 U.S. travelers. Forty-three percent of...

  • May 21, 2009

    これによりユーザーは、「JAL MAP」上でホテルの位置を確認し、さらに他の旅行者によるクチコミ評価を比較してから、予約ができるようになりました。

  • May 20, 2009
    Nearly 90% Taking Summer Vacation, 27% Taking More Time than Last Year

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced the results of its annual summer travel survey of more than 1,800 U.S. respondents. Eighty-nine percent are...

  • May 14, 2009
    New Owner Listings with Authentic Guest Reviews to Complement 80,000+ Professionally Managed Vacation Rentals on FlipKey and TripAdvisor

    FlipKey(TM), a leading vacation rental review site, and TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced that they're broadening their vacation rental...

  • May 05, 2009 servirá a los viajeros chinos tanto dentro como fuera del paí­s; los dominios de TripAdvisor también se lanzarán para servir a los viajeros portugueses, suecos y holandeses....

  • May 04, 2009

    Paris, le 4 mai 2009 – Londres, Rome, Madrid, mais aussi Bruges, Varsovie, Edimbourg... L’Europe dispose de mille et une villes où les Français se rendent tous les ans. Chacune affiche sa...

  • May 03, 2009
    TripAdvisor Survey Reveals Highs and Lows of European Cities

    LONDON, U.K. – 3 May, 2009 – It may be home to some of the world’s finest chefs, but London’s cuisine has been voted the worst in Europe, in a survey of travellers’ perceptions of...

  • May 01, 2009 Shows 50% Drop in Mexico Hotel Search but 30% Increase in Caribbean Hotel Search this Week Compared to Last

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced a significant shift in search activity for Mexico hotels and Caribbean hotels, presumably in light of the...

  • May 01, 2009

    Suite à sa rencontre avec Francesco Bandarin, Directeur du Centre du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, Christine Petersen, Directrice Marketing de TripAdvisor, a annoncé l’engagement de...

  • April 30, 2009
    Sondaggio su 700 turisti italiani della community di TripAdvisor.

    Milano, 30 Aprile 2009 – Il vecchio continente non ha perso smalto né appeal per i turisti Web 2.0, che nel 90% dei casi dichiarano, nonostante la crisi, di avere in programma un viaggio in...

  • April 29, 2009

    PARIS, France – 29 avril 2009 – Quatre nouvelles déclinaisons nationales du concept TripAdvisor viennent d’être lancées : en chinois, en portugais, en suédois et en néerlandais....

  • April 27, 2009


  • April 24, 2009
    65% Taking Advantage of Deals and Going to Europe in Next 12 Months

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced the results of its annual European travel survey of more than 1,300 U.S. respondents. Sixty-five percent of...

  • April 22, 2009
    La community ha reso recentemente disponibili anche i domini in lingua portoghese, svedese e olandese agli indirizzi,,

    Milano, 22 Aprile 2009 – TripAdvisor® - la più grande e rinomata community di viaggio al mondo, con oltre 10 milioni di utenti registrati, più di 25 milioni di visitatori mensili e 23 milioni...

  • April 21, 2009

    TripAdvisor, die populärste und größte Reisecommunity der Welt, gab heute die offizielle Einführung ihrer chinesischen Domäne bekannt, die chinesischen Reisenden eine...

  • April 21, 2009 to Serve Chinese Travellers both Domestically and Abroad: TripAdvisor Domains also Launched to Serve Portuguese-, Swedish- and Dutch-speaking Travellers

    LONDON, U.K. – 21 April– TripAdvisor®, the world’s most popular and largest travel community, today announced the official launch of its Chinese domain,, to provide a...

  • April 21, 2009 atenderá os viajantes chineses no país e no exterior; o domínio TripAdvisor é lançado também para atender aos viajantes de línguas portuguesa, sueca e holandesa

    A TripAdvisor(R), a maior e mais popular comunidade de viagens do mundo, anunciou hoje o lançamento oficial de seu domínio chinês,, disponibilizando um site localizado de...

  • April 21, 2009 to Serve Chinese Travelers both Domestically and Abroad; TripAdvisor Domains also Launched to Serve Portuguese-, Swedish- and Dutch-speaking Travelers

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced the official launch of its Chinese domain,, to provide a localized travel research site for...

  • April 20, 2009
    TripAdvisor, la plus populaire et la plus importante communauté de voyageurs au monde, annonce les résultats d’un sondage conduit auprès des femmes françaises sur la façon dont elles se préparent avant de faire leurs valises.

    Paris, le 20 avril 2009 - Quand les vacances approchent, chacun cherche à se mettre à son avantage : on se met au régime, on rafraîchit sa garde-robe et on se refait une beauté. TripAdvisor,...

  • April 20, 2009
    Travelers Cast Their Votes for TripAdvisor Flights

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, was named "Innovator of the Year" by the U.S. Travel Association on April 2. Designed to honor the two companies whose...

  • April 16, 2009
    72% Question Hotel "Green" Practices; 44% Say Green Travel Options Hard to Find

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced the results of its environmentally-friendly travel survey of more than 1,200 U.S. respondents. Seventy-six...