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  • April 25, 2017
    World's Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile "Check-Index" to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    TripAdvisor today launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travelers' and locals' most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in major world tourism destinations. The study was...

  • April 25, 2017
    World’s Largest Travel Site Launches its First-Ever Mobile “Check-Index” to Uncover Where Consumers are Actually Spending Their Time at Home and Abroad

    LONDON, UK, 25 April, 2017 – TripAdvisor today launched its first-ever mobile Check-Index revealing travellers’ and locals’ most frequented hotels, restaurants and attractions in major...

  • April 25, 2017
    Le célèbre site de planification et de réservation de voyage lance son premier « Check-Index » mobile, pour découvrir où les utilisateurs se rendent, chez eux et à l’étranger

    Paris, 25 avril 2017 – TripAdvisor lance aujourd’hui son premier « Check-Index » mobile, fondé sur les données mobiles de localisation, qui dévoile les hôtels, les restaurants et les...

  • April 25, 2017

    当朝食ランキングは 2010 年から発表しており、本年で 8 年目の発表となります。今年のベスト 3 は昨年と変わらず、 5 年連続 1 位に輝いた『ホテルピエナ神戸』、北海道函館市の海鮮丼が有名な『ラビスタ函館ベイ』が 2 位に、そして 3 位には、郷土料理が豊富と話題の沖縄の『ホテル ロコア ナハ』がランクインしました。

  • April 24, 2017
    Rapid Growth in User-Generated Content Empowers Users with Insights to Make Informed Travel Choices with a High Level of Confidence that They Will Have a Positive Experience

    TripAdvisor®, today announced that it has crossed the 500 million reviews and opinions milestone. The popular travel planning and booking site and app now receives 290 pieces of content every...

  • April 24, 2017


  • April 21, 2017


  • April 21, 2017
    Bali tops 418 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice award-winning travel destinations across the globe; Oxford Economics study also reveals TripAdvisor’s impact on Indonesian travel economy

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, has announced Bali as the world winner of its 2017 Travelers’ Choice™ awards for destinations[1]. The award marks the first time an Asian...

  • April 20, 2017

    München, 19. April 2017 – TripAdvisor® hat die 500 Millionen-Marke bei Reviews und Meinungen geknackt. Die beliebte Reiseplanungs- und Buchungsseite erhält nun 290 Beiträge pro Minute...

  • April 20, 2017
    Il veloce aumento di contenuti generati dagli utenti offre alle strutture opportunità uniche di coinvolgere i viaggiatori globali, incrementare le prenotazioni e crescere online

    Milano, 20 aprile 2017 – TripAdvisor ha annunciato oggi di aver raggiunto quota 500 milioni di recensioni e opinioni. Il noto sito e app di viaggi e prenotazioni riceve 290 contributi ogni...