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  • November 19, 2008
    User-Generated Reviews Available for Free for Use by Millions of Businesses Worldwide

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's largest travel community, today launched a suite of tools for owners and managers of hotels, restaurants and attractions to bring the proven power of user-generated...

  • November 17, 2008
    TripAdvisor-Nutzer haben entschieden, wie eine Million Dollar Spendengelder unter Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen verteilt werden

    Frankfurt, 17. November 2008 – Eine Rekord-Wahlbeteiligung gab es in diesem Jahr nicht nur bei den US-Wahlen: Über eine Million Nutzer haben aktuell an der Spenden­wahl von TripAdvisor® im...

  • November 14, 2008
    The World Helps TripAdvisor Donate Over £649,928

    LONDON, U.K. – November 14, 2008 – The results are in – and not just for the presidential election, but for TripAdvisor’s “More than Footprints™” philanthropic initiative. TripAdvisor®

  • November 14, 2008
    I voti espressi on-line stanziano anche quote di 347.000$ a Save The Children, 70.000$ a Conservation International, 54.000$ a National Geographic Society e 137.000$ a The Nature Conservancy.

    Milano, 14 Novembre 2008 – Ecco finalmente l’esito dei voti. No, non quello delle elezioni presidenziali degli Stati Uniti… Ma un altro, basato su uno scrutinio tutto digitale, che ha...

  • November 12, 2008
    Global Expansion Attracts Growing Worldwide Audience

    TripAdvisor(R), the world's largest travel community, has been recognized as the best website in the world for travel information for the second time in a row by Zagat Survey. TripAdvisor was the...