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  • October 01, 2009
    TripAdvisor donerà un milione e mezzo di dollari a favore di UNESCO,sostenendo così la tutela dei siti di interesse culturale, storico e ambientale più preziosi al mondo.

    TripAdvisor® (, la più grande e rinomata community di viaggiatori al mondo, ha dato ufficialmente il via alla campagna per la tutela dei siti Patrimonio dell’Umanità:...

  • September 28, 2009
    Powered by Market Metrix, Enables Instant Assessment of Customer Satisfaction and Competitive Landscape

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel community, today announced the addition of free, personalized customer satisfaction management dashboards to each property owner's page on the site....

  • September 25, 2009
    European Cities Run Off with Majority of Top 10 and Spain Snags Two Spots

    LONDON, U.K. – 25 SEPTEMBER, 2009 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s most popular and largest travel community, today announced ten cities to beware pickpockets, according to TripAdvisor...

  • September 25, 2009
    Gli spagnoli sono i più ritardatari al lavoro e si sentono i più stanchi fra i vacanzieri europei

    Milano, 25 Settembre 2009 – Puntuale al rientro dalle vacanze, la sindrome da fine estate colpisce inesorabile tre turisti europei su quattro: il 27% dei viaggiatori italiani, il 20% degli...

  • September 25, 2009
    TripAdvisor révèle tout sur l’état d’esprit des Français à leur retour de vacances.

    PARIS, France – 25 septembre 2009 – Elles sont loin les vacances d’été… Les cartables sont remplis, les agendas « bookés »… Terminé le farniente, le soleil, la plage, les longues...

  • September 25, 2009

    ブースでは旅の口コミを手書きで作成しても らい、巨大な世界地図に掲示していく、オフラインでの口コミ共有サービスを展開。3日間で、来場者が旅した世界103エリアの観光名所やホテルに関する、787件の口コミが書き込まれました。これらの口コミ は、後日サイト上にも反映される予定です。

  • September 24, 2009

    Madrid, 24 de Septiembre de 2009 - TripAdvisor (, la mayor comunidad de viajeros en todo el mundo, ha revelado que la mayoría de los viajeros europeos ha sufrido la experiencia...

  • September 22, 2009
    Deutsche haben 2009 beim Urlaub keine Abstriche gemacht Europa-Umfrage der weltgrößten Reise-Community TripAdvisor über das Reiseverhalten der Deutschen in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise bringt erstaunliche Ergebnisse

    München, 22. September 2009 – Die Krise ist zwar in den Köpfen der Deutschen fest verankert, dennoch hat bei der großen Mehrheit der Deutschen (71 Prozent) die Rezession keine Auswirkungen...

  • September 22, 2009
    48% of Travelers Surveyed Plan to Visit a U.S. Vineyard This Year

    TripAdvisor , the world's most popular and largest travel community, today announced its top 10 North American wine destinations, according to TripAdvisor editors. Travelers are particularly...

  • September 17, 2009

    LONDON, U.K. – 17 SEPTEMBER, 2009 – As summer holidays fast become a distant memory, Britons have plunged in to a state of melancholy, reveals a new survey by TripAdvisor®, the world’s most...