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  • December 12, 2012

    MILANO, 12 Dicembre, 2012 — Tripadvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande al mondo *, ha annunciato oggi i risultati della Cities Survey, uno studio su come i viaggiatori e le...

  • December 12, 2012
    TripAdvisor svela i luoghi che non saranno sicuramente colpiti dall’Armageddon

    Milano, 17 Dicembre 2012 – Secondo il calendario Maya la fine del mondo arriverà il 21 Dicembre di quest’anno. Anche se gli esperti attribuiscono la profezia a un’errata interpretazione del...

  • December 12, 2012
    O levantamento conheceu a opinião de mais de 75 mil viajantes e moradores sobre os aspectos turísticos de 40 destinos internacionais

    São Paulo, 12 de dezembro – TripAdvisor®, o maior site de viagens do mundo*, revela hoje os resultados da pesquisa Cities Survey, um olhar dos viajantes e moradores sobre 40 importantes...

  • December 11, 2012
    El número de personas que ven opiniones y comentarios de TripAdvisor cada mes en las páginas web partner se ha duplicado desde el año pasado, a medida que cada vez más empresas valoran el feedback de los viajeros

    Madrid, 13 de diciembre de 2012 - TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy que el número depersonas que ven contenido de TripAdvisor en otras páginas web se ha duplicado...

  • December 11, 2012

    Madrid, 12 de diciembre, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy los resultados de su Encuesta de Ciudades 2012, una mirada de cómo ven los turistas y...

  • December 11, 2012
    Viajantes do TripAdvisor opinam sobre atrações de duas importantes cidades japonesas, que os fãs que acompanham o time até o outro lado do mundo têm a oportunidade de conhecer

    São Paulo, 11 de dezembro de 2012 - Para ajudar os viajantes corintianos que irão torcer ao vivo no Japão, pelo Mundial de Clubes 2012, o TripAdvisor®, maior site de viagens do mundo*, divulga...

  • December 11, 2012
    今年オープンした最新ホテルの中から、人気施設を口コミでランキング。 リッツカールトン沖縄がアジア8位に


  • December 11, 2012
    TripAdvisor Survey Reveals 45 Percent Plan to Travel This Month, Up Three Percent from 2011

    TripAdvisor(®), the world's largest travel site* today announced the results of its December holiday travel survey of more than 1,300 U.S. respondents. Forty-five percent of travelers are...

  • December 07, 2012
    Site divulga lista dos melhores resorts com preço fechado no País

    São Paulo, 7 de dezembro de 2012 - TripAdvisor®, o maior site de viagens do mundo*, divulga hoje a lista dos cinco melhores hotéis all inclusive no Brasil***. A região nordeste é o grande...

  • December 06, 2012
    TripAdvisor TripIndex Ski Features Cost Comparison of Popular Ski Destinations in the U.S. and Canada

    TripAdvisor(®), the world's largest travel site*, today announced its TripIndex Ski, a cost comparison of 25 popular ski destinations throughout the United States and Canada. To view the...

  • December 05, 2012
    Inverno 2012/2013: vacanze sulla neve per quasi un Italiano su due, ma all’insegna del risparmio per l’84% dei viaggiatori Sulle piste da sci non solo sport ma anche vin brulé e Spa Corvara in Badia la località sciistica del Bel Paese più amata dagli italiani

    Milano, 5 Dicembre, 2012 – Quasi la metà (46%) degli Italiani hanno in programma di andare a sciare o fare snowboard quest’inverno, ma con un occhio al portafoglio, è quanto emerge dal...

  • December 04, 2012

    Madrid, 4 de diciembre, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, con más de 275.000 propiedades de alquiler vacacional en todo el mundo, ha anunciado hoy cuáles han sido los...

  • December 04, 2012
    Study Shows Reviews, Photos and Responses to Traveler Feedback Directly Linked to Increased Visibility on the World's Largest Travel Site

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, today announced the results of a study of the factors most likely to increase traveler engagement with North American accommodations on the site as...

  • December 04, 2012
    Through TripAdvisor's Donation, Travelers Can Support Individuals and Communities in the Places They Visit

    TripAdvisor(®), the world's largest travel site*, and Kiva, the world's first microlending platform, have launched a unique new partnership connecting travelers from the TripAdvisor community...

  • December 01, 2012
    TripAdvisor price-compares 43 popular European ski destinations for TripIndex Ski

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, releases its 2012 TripIndex Ski – a cost comparison of key ski destinations in Europe tracked against the British pound. TripIndex Ski is based...

  • December 01, 2012
    Through TripAdvisor’s Donation, Travellers Can Support Individuals and Communities in the Places They Visit

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, and Kiva, the world's first microlending platform, have launched a unique new partnership connecting travellers from the TripAdvisor community with...

  • December 01, 2012
    Capital falls flat on friendliness but ranks highly for taxi services and shopping

    TripAdvisor®, the world's largest travel site*, reveals the results of its Cities Survey, an in-depth look into how travellers and locals view 40 key tourist cities around the world – and...

  • December 01, 2012
    Number of People Seeing TripAdvisor Reviews and Opinions Each Month on Partners’ Sites has Doubled Since Last Year as a Growing Number of Businesses Embrace Traveller Feedback

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, announced that the number of people who view TripAdvisor content on sites other than TripAdvisor has doubled since last year to over 300 million...

  • November 29, 2012
    Le strutture hanno ricevuto un elevato punteggio per il servizio e le attrezzature Due strutture Italiane tra i 10 hot new hotel Europei del 2012

    Milano, 29 Novembre, 2012 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande al mondo*, ha annunciato oggi i dieci hot new hotel in Europa,secondo i viaggiatori di TripAdvisor egli...

  • November 29, 2012
    L’hôtel W Paris - Opéra arrive en 9ème position du classement européen

    Paris, France – le 29 novembre 2012: TripAdvisor®, le plus grand site de voyage au monde, annonce aujourd’hui les 10 nouveaux hôtels originaux d’Europe qui connaissent un succès...

  • November 27, 2012

    Milano, Italia – 27 Novembre 2012: TripAdvisor®, il sito di recensioni di viaggio più grande al mondo*, ha annunciato oggi i risultati del TripIndex Ski 2012 – un confronto sui costi di...

  • November 27, 2012
    Méribel et Courchevel sont les deux stations les plus chères d’Europe

    Paris, France – le 27 novembre 2012 : TripAdvisor®, le plus grand site de voyage au monde*, dévoile aujourd’hui le TripIndex Ski 2012, un comparatif de prix en euros des principales stations...

  • November 27, 2012

    München, 27. November 2012 – TripAdvisor®, die weltweit größte Reise-Website*, veröffentlicht den TripIndex Ski 2012, ein Preisvergleich unter den wichtigsten Ski-Destinationen Europas. Er...

  • November 26, 2012
    Astún, Candanchú y Formigal se sitúan entre los 20 destinos europeos de esquí más baratos

    Madrid, 27 de noviembre de 2012.- TripAdvisor®, la mayor web de viajes del mundo, ha anunciado hoy el Índice de precios TripIndex Esquí 2012, una comparativa de destinos de esquí clave en...

  • November 26, 2012

    Con l’avvicinarsi dell’inverno e i primi freddi, cresce la voglia di organizzare una fuga in una destinazione al caldo e TripAdvisor il più grande sito di recensioni di viaggio al mondo*,...