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  • March 31, 2017

    Paris, le 31 mars 2017. Christian Estrosi, Président de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, aux côtés de Maurice Lévy, Président du Directoire de Publicis Groupe, et de Stephen Kaufer,...

  • March 30, 2017

    Paris, France – 30 Mars 2017 – Avec le début de la saison estivale vient aussi la période des mariages ! A l’approche du jour-J, enterrer sa vie de jeune fille est un passage obligé....

  • March 30, 2017

    同機能は、2015 年 11 月より iOS に対応したトリップアドバイザーのモバイルアプリのみでサービスをすでに開始しています。今回、Android でも同機能が使用できるようになり、より多くの旅行者にご利用いただけるようになりました。

  • March 29, 2017

    中国 北京,2017年3月29日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)今日公布了2017年《中国游客出境游最“惠”报告——机酒消费指数》。报告显示,以每人每次旅行预算为人民币10,000元计,中国游客可前往马来西亚吉隆坡游玩17天,若前往香港、印度尼西亚巴厘岛或菲律宾长滩岛则可停留7天,而前往英国伦敦或法国巴黎则可停留3天。

  • March 24, 2017
    Per gli italiani vince Gallipoli, per gli stranieri pari merito tra mare e città ma è Roma la preferita Alghero è la più conveniente per soggiorni in Case Vacanza

    Milano, 01 giugno 2016 – TripAdvisor Case Vacanza, con oltre 800.000 strutture in tutto il mondo, presenta oggi le destinazioni italiane più popolari dell’estate per soggiorni in Case...

  • March 23, 2017


  • March 21, 2017
    Barcelona, Mallorca y Tenerife, han sido galardonados entre los 15 mejores destinos de Europa

    Madrid, 21 de marzo de 2017 - TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premios Travellers´ ChoiceTM Destinos, reconociendo los lugares...

  • March 21, 2017
    Roma in ascesa nella Top 10 mondiale e europea Campania la regione più premiata con 4 destinazioni vincitrici a livello nazionale Bali è la destinazione più apprezzata del 2017

    Milano, 21 marzo 2017 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei Travelers’ ChoiceTM Destinations Awards 2017, che riconoscono...

  • March 21, 2017
    Bali is #1 in the World and New York City Tops U.S. Ranking, Based on Traveler Reviews and Booking Interest

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers' Choice® awards for destinations, recognizing travelers' favorite places around the world. This year,

  • March 21, 2017
    TripAdvisor präsentiert Travellers’ Choice Awards für Reiseziele in Europa

    München, 21. März 2017 – Das trübe Wetter lässt an den nächsten Urlaub denken. Wohin die Reise gehen könnte, zeigt TripAdvisor® mit den aktuellen Travellers’ Choice Awards für...

  • March 21, 2017
    Thailand dominates Asia’s winning list with Phuket, Ko Samui and Bangkok in Top 10; Bali #1 in the World

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for destinations, with Thai destinations dominating Asia’s Top 10: Phuket,...

  • March 21, 2017
    Bali Takes Top Honours with #1 wins for the World and Asia

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, today announced Bali as the winner of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for destinations, for the world and for Asia. Award winners were...

  • March 21, 2017
    Sydney Edges Melbourne Out for Top Spot in Australia Whilst Bali Takes World #1

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced Sydney as the number one winner of its 2017 Travellers’ Choice™ awards for destinations for Australia, while Bali took the...

  • March 21, 2017
    Paris est la 3ème destination favorite dans le monde. TripAdvisor dévoile également les meilleurs hôtels et attractions des destinations primées

    Paris, 21 mars 2017 – TripAdvisor®, le site de planification et de réservation de voyage, a annoncé aujourd’hui les destinations gagnantes des Traveler’s Choice™ awards 2017,...

  • March 21, 2017

    中国 北京,2017年3月21日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)今日公布2017年“旅行者之选”-全球最佳目的地榜单。今年全球共418个旅游目的地入选,其中,印度尼西亚巴厘岛位列世界榜单首位,成为本年度全球最受欢迎的旅游目的地;北京、香港上榜亚洲前25大目的地;拉萨、九寨沟和香格里拉人气暴涨,跻身“旅行者之选”中国10佳旅游目的地。

  • March 21, 2017
    TripAdvisor unveils the world’s best rated destinations in 2017 Travellers’ Choice Awards based on millions of reviews and ratings

    LONDON, UK – 21 March, 2017 – London is today named the second best rated destination in the world and number one in Europe in the ninth annual Travellers’ Choice awards for Destinations,...

  • March 21, 2017


  • March 17, 2017

    イベントでは、全国から 40 を超える宿泊施設の皆さまに参加いただき、の度の受賞を称えるとともに、2 つの施設さまから同アワードを受賞してのスピーチをいただいたほか、トリップアドバイザーの現在の状況やこれからの展望をお伝えいたしました。そして、後半はトリップアドバイザーのスタッフも加わり、親睦を深める懇親会を行いました。

  • March 16, 2017

    NEEDHAM, MA, March 16, 2017 -- We want to let you in on a fun, new feature we have been testing here at TripAdvisor that is now available on Facebook Messenger. We’re excited to launch the...

  • March 16, 2017

    中国 北京,2017年3月16日——全球领先的旅游规划和预订平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)宣布全新升级其网站及APP的海外餐厅相关功能,助力中国用户解决海外旅行就餐时面临的一系列问题,享受更美好的海外就餐体验。以此为主题的品牌宣传视频同期发布,以中国游客面临的海外就餐问题切入,由TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)的真实用户点评改编,将TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)APP具备的海外目的地丰富信息及强大功能生动展现,为中国用户提供中英双语推荐菜和海外餐厅一键订座等全新升级服务。

  • March 15, 2017
    TripMaximiser Report von TripAdvisor: Lieblingsziele der Community im Preis-Check

    München, 15. März 2017 – Rund 1.500 Euro gibt die Mehrheit der Deutschen, Österreicher und Schweizer im Schnitt für Flug und Hotel aus1, aber wie weit kommen sie damit? Das hat TripAdvisor®...

  • March 15, 2017


  • March 14, 2017
    TripAdvisor TripMaximiser Report shows UK travellers where their pound stretches furthest

    LONDON, UK – 14 March, 2017 – The average British traveller’s holiday budget could get 18 nights in Portugal’s Albufeira for two people versus three nights in New York City this spring...

  • March 14, 2017
    El informe TripMaximiser de TripAdvisor muestra a los españoles dónde pueden sacar el mayor partido a su dinero

    Madrid, 14 de marzo de 2017 – Teniendo en cuenta que el presupuesto medio que los viajeros españoles dedican a las vacaciones es de 1.500€, esta primavera podrían disfrutar de 25 noches para...

  • March 14, 2017
    Il TripAdvisor TripMaximiser Report indica ai viaggiatori italiani le destinazioni in cui il loro budget di viaggio permette di trascorrere soggiorni più lunghi

    Milano, 14 marzo 2017 – A parità di budget gli Italiani che viaggiano a Bangkok possono trascorrere più giorni nella destinazione rispetto a quelli che scelgono Amsterdam e Londra: ben 4...

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