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  • September 14, 2015
    Feature Fully Rolled Out on Desktop and Mobile for U.S. and U.K. Users; More Travellers Can Now Conveniently Plan, Compare and Book Hotels on TripAdvisor

    TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced it has completed the launch of instant booking for hotels across all U.S. and U.K. platforms. Gradually rolled out in the U.S....

  • September 14, 2015
    Feature Fully Rolled Out on Desktop and Mobile for U.S. and U.K. Users;

    NEEDHAM, Mass. – September 14, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced it has completed the launch of instant booking for hotels across all U.S. and U.K....

  • September 14, 2015
    TripAdvisor to Send One Lucky Winner on a Travelers’ Choice Trip of a Lifetime to Marrakech, Siem Reap, Istanbul, Hanoi, or Prague

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 14, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the launch of a new competition to uncover the best travel discoveries TripAdvisor users...

  • September 14, 2015
    Estudo do TripAdvisor revela aumento a satisfação de viajantes globais com estabelecimentos no País

    São Paulo, 14 de setembro de 2015 – O TripAdvisor®, maior site de viagens do mundo*, anuncia hoje um estudo que revela que a média de notas das acomodações brasileiras no TripAdvisor...

  • September 10, 2015
    神秘、奢华、古典 这个秋天一网打尽

    中国–北京 2015年9月10日——厌倦了连锁酒店的千篇一律?不放心民宿的安全问题?那就来试试古堡酒店吧!全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor®(官方中文名:猫途鹰)近日揭晓了“2015年全球最佳十大古堡酒店榜单”。该榜单是基于TripAdvisor全球千万用户的点评反馈汇总而来,其中既有充满中世纪风情的欧洲古堡,也有异域色彩浓厚的非洲古堡,保证让怀揣探索精神的旅行者过足瘾。

  • September 10, 2015


  • September 10, 2015
    Off-Roading Adventures, Tantalizing Tastings, and Boat Excursions Prove Popular with World’s Largest Travel Community

    NEEDHAM, Mass., September 10, 2015 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the top 10 tours across the U.S., based on the quality and quantity of reviews and...

  • September 09, 2015
    TripAdvisor stellt acht Schloss- und Burghotels in Deutschland mit attraktiven Buchungsoptionen vor

    München, 8. September 2015 – Sich wie ein König oder eine Prinzessin fühlen – wer möchte das nicht? TripAdvisor® hat eine Auswahl der beliebtesten Schloss- und Burghotels in Deutschland°...

  • September 09, 2015
    Puglia, Sardegna e Friuli Venezia Giulia sul podio italiano del risparmio

    Milano, 9 settembre 2015 – TripAdvisor®, che conta più di 720.000 case vacanza nel mondo, di cui oltre 90.000 in Italia, rivela oggi che i viaggiatori possono risparmiare fino al 28%...

  • September 07, 2015

    中国–北京 2015年9月7日——全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor® (官方中文名:猫途鹰) 于苏州金鸡湖景区举办了“2015年TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)卓越奖”获奖业者颁奖仪式,出席本次仪式的旅游业者包括留园、虎丘、拙政园等在内的29家景点、酒店、餐厅代表以及昆山、吴江两地的获奖业者。今年苏州获奖商户数量较去年增加13家,同时海外用户对于TripAdvisor全球站点上苏州旅游页面的关注度[1]也较去年同比增长198%,这都彰显了苏州旅游局在全球范围内推广当地旅游资源所取得的突出成效。