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  • December 22, 2009
    Water-Themed and Racing Events Lead Adrenaline-Fueled New Year's Traditions Around the United States and Europe

    TripAdvisor®, the world's most trusted source of travel advice, today announced the top 10 extreme New Year's celebrations in the U.S. and Europe, according to TripAdvisor editors. For travelers...

  • December 21, 2009
    Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair (4th year running): Best & Worst Airlines Nearly three-quarters of Brits will Spend £1,700 or More on Leisure Travel ‘Add Ons’ Add Uncertainty: 73 Percent of Travellers Surprised by Final Flight Price

    LONDON, U.K. – 21 December, 2009 – TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest and most popular travel community, today announced the results of its annual travel trends survey of more than 700...

  • December 21, 2009

    TripAdvisor, la mayor y más popular comunidad de viajeros en el mundo, ha anunciado hoy los resultados de una encuesta entre sus usuarios que ofrece datos sobre sus planes para estas navidades,...

  • December 17, 2009
    83% of Travelers Surveyed Would Stay at a Vacation Rental Over Other Accommodations This Winter to Get a Better Deal

    TripAdvisor®, the world's most trusted source of travel advice, today announced ten of North America's best value winter vacation rental getaways, according to TripAdvisor listing data and...

  • December 17, 2009

    東の横綱には、50 件近くの夜景に関するコメントを集めた横浜の「横浜パークロイヤルホテル」、西の横綱には神戸の「ホテルオークラ神戸」がそれぞれ選出されたほか、北海道から沖縄までの 24 軒のホテルが掲載されています。