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  • March 30, 2016
    Barcelona sigue triunfando, un año más, entre los destinos mejor valorados del mundo

    Madrid, 30 de marzo de 2016 - TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premiosTravellers´ ChoiceTM Destinos, reconociendo los lugares...

  • March 30, 2016
    Média nacional para atrações é de 4,13; para restaurantes de 4,06; e para acomodações, 3,89

    São Paulo, 30 de março de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia os estados brasileiros mais bem avaliados por suas acomodações, restaurantes e...

  • March 29, 2016
    TripAdvisor hotel price research finds that England fans can save up to £252 by looking outside the host cities this summer

    With a big summer of sport ahead, England fans can save as much as 50% on accommodation in France this June by choosing their destinations wisely, research by travel planning and booking site...

  • March 22, 2016
    英国伦敦登顶全球最受欢迎旅游目的地榜首 北京、上海、香港上榜亚洲25大最佳目的地 “天府之国”成都人气爆涨 跻身最受全球游客欢迎10大中国旅游目的地榜单

    北京 中国,2016年3月22日 –全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)隆重揭晓“2016年旅行者之选-全球最佳目的地”榜单。今年全球共有来自 47个国家和地区463个旅游目的地获奖。其中,英国伦敦位列世界榜单榜首,成为全球最受欢迎的旅游目的地;北京、上海、香港上榜亚洲前25大目的地;成都和澳门人气暴涨,跻身中国最受全球游客欢迎的前10大旅游目的地。

  • March 22, 2016
    London Wins Top World Honours; Sydney Secures No. 24 spot on the World List

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for destinations, recognising travellers’ favourite places around the...