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  • February 28, 2017
    TripAdvisor Hotel Pricing Report Reveals Increasing Spending Power of Tourists Visiting the UK

    LONDON, UK, February 28, 2017 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the results of its 2017 Hotel Pricing Report, revealing global accommodation trends based on...

  • February 23, 2017
    India’s Radhanagar Beach is #1 in Asia; Brazil’s Baia do Sancho is #1 in the World

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Beaches. This year, India’s Radhanagar Beach was rated the top beach in...

  • February 23, 2017
    Whitehaven Beach in Whitsunday Island Tops Australia List for Fifth Year Running; Brazil’s Baia do Sancho is #1 in the World

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice® awards for Beaches. Whitehaven Beach in Whitsunday Islands took top honours in...

  • February 22, 2017
    ~沖縄県波照間島の『ニシ浜ビーチ』が日本ランキング 1 位に~

    世界 No.1 は、ブラジルのフェルナンド デ ノローニャ島にある『サンチョ湾ビーチ』アジアの 1 位はインドハブロック島の『ラドハンガー ビーチ』

  • February 22, 2017
    Spiaggia dei Conigli la più amata a livello nazionale, quinta in Europa Italia, Spagna e Grecia protagoniste nel Vecchio Continente In Brasile la spiaggia più bella del mondo

    Milano, 22 febbraio 2017 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice™ Beaches Awards 2017. Baia...