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  • April 13, 2016

    München, 13. April 2016 – Ob Hotels mit Bienen auf dem Dach oder einer Null-Energie-Bilanz: Umweltfreundlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit spielen für die deutschsprachigen Reisenden bei der...

  • April 13, 2016
    TripAdvisor Reveals 10 of the World’s Best Rated Green Hotels for Under £115 per night ahead of Earth Day

    A Llandudno hotel has been named one of the best rated green hotels in the world, according to TripAdvisor, the travel planning and booking site, ahead of Earth Day on 22nd April. Glascoed Guest...

  • April 13, 2016
    Travel Planning and Booking Site Identifies Top-Rated Properties Committed to Eco-Friendly Practices

    NEEDHAM, Mass., April 13, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the top 10 eco-friendly accommodations in the U.S. These properties have all earned...

  • April 08, 2016

    同日程・同施設における滞在であっても、最安値時に予約することで最高値に比べて 10%から 55%も節 約できることがあるので、お得にな時期を選んで賢く予約したいものです。

  • April 07, 2016

    中国-北京 2016年4月7日--全球最大的旅游网站TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)发布了“暑期海外酒店最佳预订时间报告”。该报告基于TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)酒店预订平台2014年4月至2016年2月期间在线旅行社(OTA)和酒店供应商所提供的住宿价格数据,覆盖全球9大地区25个热门旅游目的地,分析了暑期(6、7、8月)酒店的价格趋势,并总结出了最佳预定时间。

  • April 07, 2016
    Oxford Economics Report Reveals TripAdvisor’s Impact on Travel Spending; TripAdvisor’s $85.7 Billion Influence Equivalent to Two-Thirds of All U.S. Auto Exports in 2014

    NEEDHAM, Mass., April 7, 2016 – A global statistical analysis of international and domestic travel has found that TripAdvisor’s breadth of content, trusted consumer reviews, and booking...

  • April 06, 2016
    El análisis “Mejor Momento para Reservar” muestra a los viajeros que reservar durante el momento idóneo puede revertir en un ahorro del 20% en hoteles en verano en destinos populares de todo el mundo

    Madrid, 6 de abril, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reservas de viajes, hoy ha anunciado su análisis “Mejor Momento para Reservar”, revelando los periodos más económicos...

  • April 06, 2016
    Estudo mostra que viajantes podem economizar cerca de 20% em hotéis para destinos populares ao redor do mundo

    São Paulo, 6 de abril de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia hoje os resultados do levantamento “Melhor Época para Reservar”. O estudo revela o...

  • April 06, 2016

    München, 6. April 2016 – TripAdvisor®, die Webseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung, stellt den Bericht „Beste Zeit zum Buchen“ vor. Der Report untersucht die günstigsten Zeiten zur...

  • April 06, 2016
    “Best Time to Book” report shows travellers booking during optimal times can save about 20% on hotels within the period of June to August in popular destinations worldwide

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its “Best Time to Book” report, revealing the least expensive times to book hotels in popular destinations around the globe...

  • April 06, 2016
    ‘Best Time to Book’ Report Shows Travellers Booking During Optimal Periods Can Save About 20% on Hotels for Summer in Popular Destinations Worldwide

    Booking travel last minute is often considered a great way to bag the best deal but the ‘Best Time to Book’ report, released today by the travel planning and booking site TripAdvisor, reveals...

  • April 06, 2016
    “Best Time to Book” Report Shows Travelers Booking During Optimal Times Can Save About 20% on Hotels for Summer in Popular Destinations Worldwide

    NEEDHAM, Mass., April 6, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced its “Best Time to Book” report, revealing the least expensive times to book hotels for...

  • April 06, 2016

    今後東京へ訪れる方 々に、よりバラエティ豊かに東京の滞在を楽しんでいただけるよう、定番の観 光地だけではなく、穴場スポットや隠れた名店などを口コミにより掘り起こし、東京の 100 のベストス ポットを決定していきます。

  • April 06, 2016
    Il report “Best Time to Book” mostra che prenotando nei periodi migliori i viaggiatori possono risparmiare circa il 20% sul prezzo dell’hotel per l’estate nelle destinazioni popolari di tutto il mondo

    Milano, 6 aprile 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito di pianificazione e prenotazione viaggi, ha presentato oggi i risultati del suo report “Best Time to Book”, che analizza il miglior periodo per...

  • March 31, 2016

    2015 年に日本の観光地に寄せられた口コミ総数に占める各都道府県の口コミ数の割合と共に、主な県の観光地 ランキング Top10 を日本語・外国語毎に集計しました。

  • March 30, 2016
    Barcelona sigue triunfando, un año más, entre los destinos mejor valorados del mundo

    Madrid, 30 de marzo de 2016 - TripAdvisor®, la web de planificación y reserva de viajes, ha anunciado hoy los ganadores de sus premiosTravellers´ ChoiceTM Destinos, reconociendo los lugares...

  • March 30, 2016
    Média nacional para atrações é de 4,13; para restaurantes de 4,06; e para acomodações, 3,89

    São Paulo, 30 de março de 2016 – O TripAdvisor®, site de planejamento e reservas de viagens, anuncia os estados brasileiros mais bem avaliados por suas acomodações, restaurantes e...

  • March 29, 2016
    TripAdvisor hotel price research finds that England fans can save up to £252 by looking outside the host cities this summer

    With a big summer of sport ahead, England fans can save as much as 50% on accommodation in France this June by choosing their destinations wisely, research by travel planning and booking site...

  • March 22, 2016
    英国伦敦登顶全球最受欢迎旅游目的地榜首 北京、上海、香港上榜亚洲25大最佳目的地 “天府之国”成都人气爆涨 跻身最受全球游客欢迎10大中国旅游目的地榜单

    北京 中国,2016年3月22日 –全球最大旅游平台TripAdvisor(猫途鹰)隆重揭晓“2016年旅行者之选-全球最佳目的地”榜单。今年全球共有来自 47个国家和地区463个旅游目的地获奖。其中,英国伦敦位列世界榜单榜首,成为全球最受欢迎的旅游目的地;北京、上海、香港上榜亚洲前25大目的地;成都和澳门人气暴涨,跻身中国最受全球游客欢迎的前10大旅游目的地。

  • March 22, 2016
    London Wins Top World Honours; Sydney Secures No. 24 spot on the World List

    TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travellers’ Choice™ awards for destinations, recognising travellers’ favourite places around the...

  • March 22, 2016

    世界で最も高く評価された観光都市は「ロンドン」。「東京」は昨年から大きく順位を上げ、世界ランキング 21 位、アジアランキング 6 位にランクイン

  • March 21, 2016

    München, 21. März 2016 – Sightseeing, Shoppen, Schlemmen, wo geht das am besten? TripAdvisor®, die Webseite zur Reiseplanung und -buchung, stellt die Travellers’ Choice Gewinner für...

  • March 21, 2016
    TripAdvisor unveils the world’s best rated destinations in 2016 Travellers’ Choice Awards based on millions of reviews and ratings

    London has today been named the best rated destination in the world in the eighth annual Travellers’ Choice awards for Destinations, announced by TripAdvisor, the travel planning and booking...

  • March 21, 2016
    London Wins Top World Honors, New York City Best in the U.S.

    NEEDHAM, Mass., March 21, 2016 – TripAdvisor®, the travel planning and booking site, today announced the winners of its Travelers’ Choice™ awards for destinations, recognizing travelers’...

  • March 21, 2016
    Roma conquista il vertice della classifica italiana ed entra nelle Top 10 mondiale ed europea Emilia Romagna la regione più premiata dello stivale Nel mondo vince una destinazione europea: Londra

    Milano, 21 marzo 2016 – TripAdvisor®, il sito per la pianificazione e prenotazione dei viaggi, ha annunciato oggi i vincitori dei Travelers’ ChoiceTM Destinations awards 2016, che riconoscono...

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